How Knowledge Workers Differ, and the Difference It Makes
Zu finden in: Thinking for a Living, 2005


- It's important to recognize the differences among knowledge workers. A matrix of four types based on the degree of collaboration and expertise required in the Job is particularly useful in shaping interventions into knowledge work.
- The type of knowledge activity involved in the Job (finding, creating, packaging, distributing, anc can also dictate different approaches to improving knowledge work.
- It makes sense to apply knowledge work interventions to Jobs with the most expansive workers and to those that account for the greatest numbers of employees in an organization.
- Because all knowledge work Jobs can't be improved at once, a key element of improvement is to develop a segmentation scheme, with some prioritization of which types of Jobs will be addressed in what order.
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![]() Nicht erwähnte Begriffe | early majority, innovator, laggard, late majority, Wissenskommunikation, Wissensrepräsentation |
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