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ICT Supporting the Learning Process: The Premise, Reality, and Promise

Kwok-Wing Lai
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International Handbook of Information Technology in Primary and Secondary EducationWith the advent of information and communication technology (ICT) in the classroom how, and under what conditions, it can be successfully adopted to further enhance a student-cantered learning process in schools has become a key concern in educational research. This chapter provides a general overview of how ICT has been used to support learning, within the context of the changing conceptions of learning. A range of promising and effective applications and tools are described to provide examples of the different ways technology can be embedded in learning environments underpinned by learning principles drawn from learning sciences research. This chapter also provides a background for the discussion of the five specific areas of ICT supporting the learning process included in this section of the Handbook.
Von Kwok-Wing Lai im Buch International Handbook of Information Technology in Primary and Secondary Education (2009) im Text ICT Supporting the Learning Process: The Premise, Reality, and Promise

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