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Zone of Proximal Development

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Zone der nächsten Entwicklung, Zone of Proximal Development, ZpD


Lew Semjonowitsch VygotskyIt is the distance between the actual developmental level as determined by independent problem solving and the level of potential development as determined through problem solving under adult guidance or in collaboration with more capable peers.
Von Lew Semjonowitsch Vygotsky im Buch Mind in Society (1930) im Text Interaction between Learning and Development
Kurt ReusserDer von Vygotsky (1978) geprägte Begriff bezeichnet die Spanne zwischen dem, was das Kind alleine leisten kann, und dem, was es mithilfe einer kompetenteren Person, mit einem Erwachsenen oder einem anderen weiter fortgeschritteneren Kind, erreichen kann.
Von G. Brägger, Reinhold Haug, Kurt Reusser, Nicole Steiner im Buch Handbuch Lernen mit digitalen Medien (2021) im Text Adaptive Lernunterstützung und formatives Feedback in offenen Lernumgebungen auf Seite  717


Lew Semjonowitsch VygotskyThe zone of proximal development furnishes psychologists and educators with a tool through which the internal course of development can be understood. By using this method we can take account of not only the cycles and maturation processes that have already been completed but also those processes that are currently in a state of formation, that are just beginning to mature and develop. Thus, the zone of proximal development permits us to delineate the child's immediate future and his dynamic developmental state, allowing not only for what already has been achieved developmentally but also for what is in the course of maturing. The two children in our example displayed the same mental age from the viewpoint of developmental cycles already completed, but the developmental dynamics of the two were entirely different. The state of a child's mental development can be determined only by clarifying its two levels: the actual developmental level and the zone of proximal development.
Von Lew Semjonowitsch Vygotsky im Buch Mind in Society (1930) im Text Interaction between Learning and Development

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