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Matter Turns Intelligent

Max Tegmark
Zu finden in: Life 3.0, 2017  local 
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Life 3.0In chapter 2, we explore the foundations of intelligence and how seemingly dumb matter can be rearranged to remember, compute and learn. As we proceed into the future, our story branches out into many scenarios defined by the answers to certain key questions.
Von Max Tegmark im Buch Life 3.0 (2017) im Text Welcome to the Most Important Conversation of Our Time
Life 3.0One of the most spectacular developments during the 13.8 billion years since our Big Bang is that dumb and lifeless matter has turned intelligent. How could this happen and how much smarter can things get in the future? What does science have to say about the history and fate of intelligence in our cosmos? To help us tackle these questions, let’s devote this chapter to exploring the foundations and fundamental building blocks of intelligence. What does it mean to say that a blob of matter is intelligent? What does it mean to say that an object can remember, compute and learn?
Von Max Tegmark im Buch Life 3.0 (2017) im Text Matter Turns Intelligent

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Donald Hebb , Ray Kurzweil , John von Neumann , Alan Turing , Konrad Zuse

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Jahr  Umschlag Titel Abrufe IBOBKBLB
1949 The Organization of Behavior (Donald Hebb) 32 0 0 0

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