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Information and Communication Technologies, and Learning Theories

Putting Pedagogy into Practice
Vanessa P. Dennen, Kerry J. Burner, Michelle L. Cates
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Second Handbook of Information Technology in Primary and Secondary EducationThis chapter explores how learning theory relates to the use of information and communication technologies (ICT) in the K-12 classroom. Teachers need both pedagogical knowledge and technological knowledge, along with content knowledge, in order to support effective learning experiences for their students. Learning theories guide this pedagogical knowledge, providing support for which instructional strategies teachers might use. The three historically dominant learning theories – behaviorism, cognitivist, and constructivism – are briefly presented through vignettes that explore student and teacher ICT use. Basic tenets of each theory are briefly discussed along with examples of instructional strategies that reflect each theoretical approach to ICT use. A fourth theory, connectivism, which has yet to be fully accepted or embraced as a major learning theory but nonetheless represents a theoretical approach to learning via ICT-based networks, also is explored. With these theories in mind, this chapter notes that ICT are not always used in a manner that reflects sound or thoughtful pedagogical decisions; a teacher’s pedagogical choices may also be system-driven or technology-driven. As the chapter concludes, we share implications both for using ICT in a manner that is consistent with and fully supports learner development and for supporting teacher development of knowledge about learning theory along with the intersection of pedagogy and technology.
Von Vanessa P. Dennen, Kerry J. Burner, Michelle L. Cates im Buch Second Handbook of Information Technology in Primary and Secondary Education (2018) im Text Information and Communication Technologies, and Learning Theories

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John Ainley , Julian Fraillon , Tim Friedman , Eveline Gebhardt , Wolfram Schulz

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Content KnowledgeContent Knowledge , Pedagogical KnowledgePedagogical Knowledge , Zone of Proximal Development
Jahr  Umschlag Titel Abrufe IBOBKBLB
2013 local web  International Computer and Information Literacy Study (Julian Fraillon, Wolfram Schulz, John Ainley) 5, 4, 7, 9, 3, 1, 8, 3, 8, 2, 4, 5 45 19 5 862
2014 local web  Preparing for Life in a Digital Age (Julian Fraillon, John Ainley, Wolfram Schulz, Tim Friedman, Eveline Gebhardt) 3, 3, 8, 14, 4, 1, 9, 4, 4, 5, 4, 4 60 57 4 890

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