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Beats Biblionetz - Begriffe

Content Knowledge Content Knowledge

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Punya MishraMatthew J. KoehlerContent knowledge (CK) is knowledge about the actual subject matter that is to be learned or taught.
Von Punya Mishra, Matthew J. Koehler im Text Technological Pedagogical Content Knowledge (2006) auf Seite  1026
Gerhard BrandhoferContent Knowledge steht für die Domäne des fachspezifischen Wissens, das Lehrende für die Gestaltung ihres Unterrichts benötigen. Content Knowledge umfasst somit das Wissen der Lehrenden über den zu vermittelnden Inhalt ihres Gegenstandes, dazu gehören Konzepte, Theorien, Ideen, organisatorische Rahmenbedingungen, Beweise und Nachweise des Fachbereiches (Koehler, 2012).
Von Gerhard Brandhofer in der Dissertation Lehr- / Lerntheorien und mediendidaktisches Handeln (2015) im Text Kompetenzmodelle zur Nutzung digitaler Medien durch Lehrende
Gestaltungsprinzipien für den Erwerb von TPACK in der LehrkräftebildungDiese Dimension umfasst Wissen über Fachinhalte, die gelehrt und gelernt werden sollen. Hierzu gehört auch ein Verständnis zentraler Konzepte, Theorien und Prozeduren des jeweiligen Unterrichtsfachs und innerhalb der dazugehörigen wissenschaftlichen Disziplinen, sodass Lehrkräfte die Herkunft des Wissens und angewandte Forschungsmethoden angemessen bewerten können.
Von Danny Dignaß in der Dissertation Gestaltungsprinzipien für den Erwerb von TPACK in der Lehrkräftebildung (2024) im Text Digitalisierungsbezogene Kompetenzen in der Wirksamkeitsforschung zur Lehrkräftebildung
Judith HarrisPunya MishraMatthew J. KoehlerContent Knowledge is knowledge about the actual subject matter that is to be learned or taught, including, for example, middle school science, high school history, undergraduate art history, or graduate level astrophysics. Knowledge and the nature of inquiry differ greatly among content-areas and it is critically important that teachers understand this about the subject matter that they teach. As Shulman (1986) noted, this includes knowledge of concepts, theories, ideas, organizational frameworks, knowledge of evidence and proof, as well as established practices and approaches toward developing such knowledge. In the case of art appreciation, such knowledge would include knowledge of art history, famous paintings, sculptures, artists and their historical contexts, as well as knowledge of aesthetic and psychological theories for evaluating art.
Von Judith Harris, Punya Mishra, Matthew J. Koehler im Text Teachers’ Technological Pedagogical Content Knowledge (2007) auf Seite  5
Judith HarrisPunya MishraMatthew J. KoehlerContent knowledge is knowledge about the subject matter that is to be learned or taught, including, for example, middle school science, high school history, undergraduate art history, or graduate-level astrophysics. Knowledge and the nature of inquiry differ greatly among content areas, and it is critically important that teachers understand the disciplinary “habits of mind" appropriate to the subject matter that they teach. As Shulman (1986) noted, content includes knowledge of concepts, theories, ideas, organizational frameworks, methods of evidence and proof, as well as established practices and approaches toward developing such knowledge in a particular discipline. In the case of art appreciation, for example, such knowledge would include knowledge of art history, famous paintings, sculptures, the influence of artists’ historical and social contexts, as well as knowledge of aesthetic and psychological theories for understanding and evaluating art.
Von Judith Harris, Punya Mishra, Matthew J. Koehler im Text Teachers’ Technological Pedagogical Content Knowledge and Learning Activity Types (2009)


Punya MishraMatthew J. KoehlerThe content to be covered in high school social studies or algebra is very different from the content to be covered in a graduate course on computer science or art history.
Von Punya Mishra, Matthew J. Koehler im Text Technological Pedagogical Content Knowledge (2006) auf Seite  1026
Punya MishraMatthew J. KoehlerClearly, teachers must know and understand the subjects that they teach, including knowledge of central facts, concepts, theories, and procedures within a given field; knowledge of explanatory frameworks that organize and connect ideas; and knowledge of the rules of evidence and proof (Shulman, 1986). Teachers must also understand the nature of knowledge and inquiry in different fields. For example, how is a proof in mathematics different from a historical explanation or a literary interpretation? Teachers who do not have these understandings can misrepresent those subjects to their students (Ball & McDiarmid, 1990).
Von Punya Mishra, Matthew J. Koehler im Text Technological Pedagogical Content Knowledge (2006) auf Seite  1026

iconVerwandte Objeke

Verwandte Begriffe
(co-word occurance)
Pedagogical Content Knowledge (PCK)Pedagogical Content Knowledge(0.7), Pedagogical KnowledgePedagogical Knowledge(0.68), Technological pedagogical content knowledge (TPCK)Technological pedagogical content knowledge(0.45), Technological Pedagogical Knowledge (TPK)Technological Pedagogical Knowledge(0.41), Technological Content Knowledge (TCK)Technological Content Knowledge(0.41), Technology KnowledgeTechnology Knowledge(0.39), TPCK-ModellTPACK framework(0.32)
Verwandte Aussagen
Lehrpersonen benötigen Fachwissen

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Punya Mishra Punya
Matthew J. Koehler Matthew J.
L. Shulman L.
Tae Seob Shin Tae Seob
Judith Harris Judith
Sarah Gretter Sarah
Aman Yadav Aman
Margaret L. Niess Margaret L.
Christopher R. Rakes Christopher R.
Robert N. Ronau Robert N.
Ann Thompson Ann
Kristen Kereluik Kristen
Mario Kelly Mario
Sharon Guan Sharon
Kevin Clark Kevin
Kim Boyd Kim
Joel Colbert Joel
Charles R. Graham Charles R.
K Yahya K
Joint Research Centre (JRC) Joint Research Centre
Royce Kimmons Royce
Christine Redecker Christine
Mary C. Herring Mary C.
Beverly Clarke Beverly
Tamika McLean Tamika

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