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Lässt sich Intelligenz messen? Can we measure intelligence?

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Neil PostmanIntelligenz besitzt keine Quantität und keine Ausdehnung, es sei denn, wir glauben, es verhält sich so.
Von Neil Postman im Buch Wir amüsieren uns zu Tode (1985) im Text Das Medium ist die Metapher
Ross AshbyMany of the tests used for measuring “intelligence” are scored essentially according to the candidate’s power of appropriate selection. Thus one test shows the child a common object and asks its name: out of all words the child must select the proper one. Another test asks the child how it would find a ball in field: out of all the possible paths the child must select one of the suitable few. Thus it is not impossible that what is commonly referred to as “intellectual power” may be equivalent to “power of appropriate selection”. Indeed, if a talking Black Box were to show high power of appropriate selection in such matters—so that, when given difficult problems it persistently gave correct answers—we could hardly deny that it was showing the behavioral equivalent of “high intelligence”.
Von Ross Ashby im Buch An Introduction to Cybernetics (1956) im Text Amplifying the Regulation auf Seite  272

iconVerwandte Begriffe

Intelligenzintelligence, Intelligenztest / IQ


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