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Project-Based Software Engineering Curriculum for Secondary Students

Isabella Gransbury, Janet Brock, Emily Root, Veronica Cateté, Tiffany Barnes, Shuchi Grover, Ákos Lédeczi
Zu finden in: WIPSCE '23, 2023
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Shuchi Grover

Background. Software Engineering (SE) is a new and emerging topic in secondary computer science classrooms. However, a review of the recent literature has identified an overall lack of reporting on the development of SE secondary curriculum. Previous studies also report low student engagement when teaching these concepts. Objectives. In this experience report, we discuss the development of a 9-week, project-based learning (PBL) SE curriculum for secondary students. During this curriculum, students create a socially relevant project in groups of two to three. We discuss displays of participant engagement with CS concepts through the PBL pedagogy and the SE curriculum. Method. We examine participant engagement through group artifact interviews about student experiences during a week-long, virtual summer camp that piloted activities from our curriculum. During this camp, students followed a modified SE life cycle created by the authors of the paper. Findings. Participants showed engagement with the curriculum through various aspects of PBL, such as autonomy, creativity, and personal interest in their project topic. Implications. The lessons learned from this experience report suggest that PBL pedagogy can increase student engagement when teaching CS concepts, and this pedagogy provides detail and structure for future secondary SE curriculum implementations to support educators in the classroom.

Von Isabella Gransbury, Janet Brock, Emily Root, Veronica Cateté, Tiffany Barnes, Shuchi Grover, Ákos Lédeczi im Konferenz-Band WIPSCE '23 im Text Project-Based Software Engineering Curriculum for Secondary Students (2023)

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Brian Broll , Alexia Carrillo , Allan Fisher , Shuchi Grover , Ákos Lédeczi , Melvin Lu , Jane Margolis , Miklos Maroti , Roy Pea , János Sallai , Oshani Seneviratne , Joshua D. Swartz , Chris Vanags , Péter Völgyesi , Stephanie L. Weeden-Wright , David Weintrop

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Informatikcomputer science , Software EngineeringSoftware Engineering
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