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Designing for the Social Web

Joshua Porter , local 
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Designing for the Social WebNo matter what type of web site or application you´re building, social interaction among the people who use it will be key to its success. They will talk about it, invite their friends, complain, sing its high praises, and dissect it in countless ways. With the right design strategy you can use this social interaction to get people signing up, coming back regularly, and bringing others into the fold. With tons of examples from real-world interfaces and a touch of the underlying social psychology theory, Joshua Porter shows you how to design your next great social web application.
Inside, you´ll discover:
  • The real reasons why people participate online and the psychology behind them
  • The Usage Lifecycle - or how people use your web application over time
  • How to get people past that trickiest of hurdles: sign-up
  • What to do when you´ve launched a web application and nobody is using it
  • How to analyze the effectiveness of your application screens and flows
  • How to grow your social web application from zero users to 1000 - and beyond
Designing for the social web is about much more than adding features. It´s about embracing the social interaction of the people who make you successful - and then designing smartly to encourage it.
Von Klappentext im Buch Designing for the Social Web (2008)

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Designdesign , Internetinternet , ökonomisches Kapital , social media / Soziale Mediensocial networking software , WWW (World Wide Web)World Wide Web


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Titel   Format Bez. Aufl. Jahr ISBN          
Designing for the Social Web e - - 1 2008 0321534921 Swissbib Worldcat Bestellen bei Amazon.de Buy it now!

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