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The relational model for database management

version 2
E. F. Codd , local web 
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The relational model for database managementAn important adjunct to precision is a sound theoretical foundation. The relational model is solidly based on two parts of mathematics: firstorder predicate logic and the theory of relations. This book, however, does not dwell on the theoretical foundations, but rather on all the features of the relational model that I now perceive as important for database users, and therefore for DBMS vendors. My perceptions result from 20 years of practical experience in computing and data processing (chiefly, but not exclusively, with large-scale customers of IBM), followed by another 20 years of research.
I believe that this is the first book to deal exclusively with the relational approach. It does, however, include design principles in Chapters 21 and 22. It is also the first book on the relational model by the originator of that model. All the ideas in the relational model described in this book are mine, except in cases where I explicitly credit someone else.
In developing the relational model, I have tried to follow Einstein's advice, "Make it as simple as possible, but no simpler." I believe that in the last clause he was discouraging the pursuit of simplicity to the extent of distorting reality. So why does the book contain 30 chapters and two appendixes? To answer this question, it is necessary to look at the history of research and development of the relational model.
Von E. F. Codd im Buch The relational model for database management (1990)

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Datendata , Datenbankdatabase , Primärschlüsselprimary key



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