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Teacher training

The interplay of IT and society
Personenreihenfolge alphabetisch und evtl. nicht korrekt Christian Görlich, Ludger Humbert
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Informatics and the Digital SocietyThis paper emphasizes the necessity of approaching the conference agenda with a more precise terminology and more practical and verifiable projects. It proposes that data related to current on-line learning projects could be made available for empirical research to provide theoretical grounding and facilitate reconstruction of sociological questions. The paper argues that purely scientific approaches are too narrow and limited in scope. It draws attention to ethical implications and supports Merton’s view of the decisive role and significance of values to be observed. Focusing on the debate of computer supported collaborative learning (CSCL) the authors suggest that any research should consider in a more systematic and consistent way than before the individuals concerned, the constantly changing structure of social groups and the given social context. The authors build on the work of Holzkamp (who demanded a theory of learning based on the individual without ignoring the social context) and Foucault (who considered educational structures and institutions served to guarantee the efficiency of forms of learning and function as an element of control and social order). They stress that change in a CSCL environment may result in fears and anxieties that have to be given due consideration. The authors report on a current CSCL project in teacher training. Within the context of clearly defined academic research trainees explore and test new forms of cooperation and “knowledge management”. This is effected by creating and working on virtual learning stations in different places and at different times. Preliminary findings indicate that educational bureaucracies and government offices need to adjust now and in the future. The authors trust that more empirical data will become available for educational research focussing on the learning biography of adult learners.
im Buch Informatics and the Digital Society (2003) im Text Teacher training
Ludger HumbertIn their paper the authors emphasize the necessity to approach the conference's agenda with a more precise terminology and more practical as well as verifiable projects. Thus data related to current on-line learning projects could be made available for empirical research. Looking for theoretical grounding and help the authors resort to a reconstruction of sociological questions.
They are skeptical of all purely scientific approaches to the conference's topic. They argue this would be too narrow and limited in scope. They in turn draw attention to the ethical implications of this issue, in particular the potential for emancipation. They support Merton's view of the decisive role and significance of values to be observed in the present process. They follow Kuhn when asking for the options of a predominantly historical approach.
Focussing on the debate of CSCL the authors suggest three priorities - any research should consider in a more systematic and consistent way than before the individuals concerned, the constantly changing structure of social groups as well the given social context.
The authors' assumptions rely on writers like Holzkamp who have demanded a theory of learning based on the individual without ignoring the social context. They refer to the work of Foucault. According to him today's educational structures and institutions serve two functions. They guarantee the efficiency of any form of learning and simultaneously function as an element of control and social order. Any change in the CSCL's learning environment may result in fears and anxieties that have to be taken into due consideration.
The authors report on a current CSCL project in teacher training. Within the context of clearly defined academic research trainees explore and test new forms of cooperation and "knowledge management". This is done by creating and working on virtual learning stations in different places and at different times. First results indicate that educational bureaucracies and government offices need to adjust now and in the future. The authors hope that in this way more empirical data will become available for educational research focussing on the learning biography of adult learners.
Von Christian Görlich, Ludger Humbert Personenreihenfolge alphabetisch und evtl. nicht korrekt an der Veranstaltung SEC III (2002) im Text Teacher training

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Guido van Rossum

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CSCLComputer-Supported Collaborative Learning , Ethikethics , Gesellschaftsociety , Lernenlearning
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1999 local web  Computer Programming for Everybody (Guido van Rossum) 7, 3, 3, 6, 3, 2, 6, 2, 3, 4, 3, 2 4 10 2 176

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Auf dem WWW GöRLICH, Christian F. ; HUMBERT, Ludger: Teacher training - the interplay of IT and society: Folien zum Vortrag ( WWW: Link tot Link unterbrochen? Letzte Überprüfung: 2020-11-28 Letzte erfolgreiche Überprüfung: 2020-08-28)

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