From Sociotechnical Systems to Crossactionspaces
Zu finden in: Digital Didactical Designs, 2015
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In this chapter, I approach an alternative understanding of the digital networked world that can be named CrossActionSpaces. I provide an alternative view on today’s digital networked world and how it can be understood and characterized. I argue that the digital networked world is not one space, nor several systems; it is, rather, the emergence of co-expanded communication spaces. In the following sections, I illustrate the characterizations of such new spaces.
Von Isa Jahnke im Buch Digital Didactical Designs (2015) im Text From Sociotechnical Systems to Crossactionspaces Dieses Kapitel erwähnt ...
Personen KB IB clear | Gregory Bateson , Ludwig von Bertalanffy , Amy Bruckman , Allan Collins , Jay Cross , Andrea Forte , Richard Halverson , Bruno Latour , Jean Lave , Niklas Luhmann , Marshall McLuhan , Robert Munro , Tim O'Reilly , J. Preece , Robert Putnam , Claude Shannon , Almut Sieber , Ian Sommerville , Gerry Stahl , Alan Turing , Warren Weaver , Tom J. van Weert , Joseph Weizenbaum , Etienne Wenger , Claudia de Witt | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
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