Using the PRIMM Approach at Primary LevelPhil Bagge
Zu finden in: Hello World 15 (Seite 28 bis 30), 2021
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In this article, I will share how I
implemented the PRIMM approach with my
primary school pupils, and some of the key
things I have learnt from the experience. I
will go through how I applied each step of
the process in my teaching, and how the
pupils responded to the different activities
involved in each step. I have also created
some of my own resources, inspired by
the PRIMM approach, which I hope will be
useful for primary teachers.
Von Phil Bagge in der Zeitschrift Hello World 15 (2021) im Text Using the PRIMM Approach at Primary Level PRIMM stands for Predict-Run-
Investigate-Modify-Make. It
is an approach that helps teachers to
structure lessons in programming, with
each step representing different stages
of a lesson or series of lessons. Much as
young children learn to read before they
write, PRIMM calls for students to read,
explore, and understand code before
taking ownership of programs and writing
their own. It also fosters dialogue in the
computing classroom, with students
encouraged to discuss programmes and
work on them collaboratively.
Von Phil Bagge in der Zeitschrift Hello World 15 (2021) im Text Using the PRIMM Approach at Primary Level Dieser Zeitschriftenartikel erwähnt ...
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