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postfaktisch, Postfaktisches Zeitalter, Postfaktische Politik, Post-truth, post-truth politics, post-factual politics


Post-TruthIn its purest form, post-truth is when one thinks that the crowd’s reaction actually does change the facts about a lie.
Von Lee McIntyre im Buch Post-Truth (2018) im Text What Is Post-Truth?
Post-TruthThe Oxford Dictionaries define “post-truth” as “relating to or denoting circumstances in which objective facts are less influential in shaping public opinion than appeals to emotion and personal belief.”
Von Lee McIntyre im Buch Post-Truth (2018) im Text What Is Post-Truth? auf Seite  5


Post-TruthIf one looks at the Oxford definition, and how all of this has played out in recent public debate, one gets the sense that post-truth is not so much a claim that truth does not exist as that facts are subordinate to our political point of view.
Von Lee McIntyre im Buch Post-Truth (2018) im Text What Is Post-Truth?
Post-TruthIn a world in which politicians can challenge the facts and pay no political price whatsoever, post-truth is bigger than any one person. It exists in us as well as our leaders. And the forces behind it have been building up for quite some time.
Von Lee McIntyre im Buch Post-Truth (2018) im Text What Is Post-Truth?
Post-TruthWho needs censorship when the truth can be buried under a pile of bullshit? And isn’t this precisely what the issue of post-truth is all about: That truth does not matter as much as feelings? That we can’t even tell anymore what is true and what is not?
Von Lee McIntyre im Buch Post-Truth (2018) im Text The Rise of Social Media and the Problem of Fake News
Wie alle populistischen Bewegungen spielt Trump auch permanent das vermeintliche Volk gegen die vermeintlichen Eliten aus. Was immer nur im Entferntesten nach Kompetenz, Expertise, Argumenten klingt – wird als elitär abqualifiziert. Was primitiv, rassistisch, gewaltbereit ist – wird als bodenständig valorisiert.
Von Daniel Binswanger im Text Je vulgärer, desto glaubwürdiger (2016)
Post-TruthThe problem of fake news is intimately related to the phenomenon of post-truth. Indeed, for many they are one and the same. But this is not quite right, for it is like saying that the existence of nuclear weapons automatically presumes the apocalypse. Just because a weapon exists does
not mean that we must be foolish enough to use it. It is how we respond to the challenges that are created by our technology that makes the difference.
Von Lee McIntyre im Buch Post-Truth (2018) im Text The Rise of Social Media and the Problem of Fake News

«Postfaktisch» war das Wort des Jahres 2016. Aber gab es Propaganda nicht schon immer?
Das Phänomen ist alt, ja, hat mit dem Aufstieg des Mediums Internet aber neue Intensität angenommen. Wir hatten eine ähnliche Phase im Jahrhundert nach der Verbreitung des Buchdrucks, da war mindestens so viel Desinformation wie Information im Umlauf. Denken Sie an die Flugblätter der Reformation und Gegenreformation, da wurde auch erfunden und verzerrt. Jede Medienrevolution bringt eine Periode der Anarchie und des Experimentierens. Heute haben gewisse Kräfte grossen Spielraum, aber die Wogen werden sich wieder glätten.
Von Lorraine Daston, David Hesse im Text «Bauchgefühl ist nicht Wahrheit» (2017)
Post-TruthThe phenomenon of “post-truth” rocketed to public attention in November 2016, when the Oxford Dictionaries named it 2016’s word of the year. After seeing a 2,000 percent spike in usage over 2015, the choice seemed obvious. Among the other contenders on the shortlist were “alt-right” and “Brexiteer,” highlighting the political context of the year’s selection. As a catch-all phrase, “posttruth” seemed to capture the times. Given the obfuscation of facts, abandonment of evidential standards in reasoning, and outright lying that marked 2016’s Brexit vote and the US presidential election, many were aghast. If Donald Trump could claim—without evidence—that if he lost the 2 CHAPTER 1 election it would be because it was rigged against him, did facts and truth even matter anymore?
Von Lee McIntyre im Buch Post-Truth (2018) im Text What Is Post-Truth?

iconVerwandte Objeke

Verwandte Begriffe
(co-word occurance)
Verwandte Aussagen
Soziale Medien fördern postfaktische Politik
Postfaktische Politik gefährdet die Demokratie

iconHäufig erwähnende Personen

Lee McIntyre Lee

iconHäufig co-zitierte Personen

Donald Trump Donald
Erik M. Conway Erik M.
Naomi Oreskes Naomi

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