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Mastering Social Media Mining with R

Extract valuable data from your social media sites and make better business decisions using R
Sharan Kumar Ravindran, Vikram Garg , local 
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Mastering Social Media Mining with RWith an increase in the number of users on the web, the content generated has increased substantially, bringing in the need to gain insights into the untapped gold mine that is social media data. For computational statistics, R has an advantage over other languages in providing readily-available data extraction and transformation packages, making it easier to carry out your ETL tasks. Along with this, ist data visualization packages help users get a better understanding of the underlying data distributions while ist range of "standard" statistical packages simplify analysis of the data.
This book will teach you how powerful business cases are solved by applying machine learning techniques on social media data. You will learn about important and recent developments in the field of social media, along with a few advanced topics such as Open Authorization (Oauth). Through practical examples, you will access data from R using APIs of various social media sites such as Twitter, Facebook, Instagram, GitHub, Foursquare, LinkedIn, Blogger, and other networks. We will provide you with detailed explanations on the implementation of various use cases using R programming.
With this handy guide, you will be ready to embark on your journey as an independent social media analyst.
Von Klappentext im Buch Mastering Social Media Mining with R (2015)

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facebook , Foursquare , Instagram , LinkedIn , machine learning , Programmierenprogramming , R (software) , social network analysissocial network analysis , social softwaresocial software , Statistikstatistics , Visualisierungvisualization

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