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Demystifying computational thinking

Valerie J. Shute, Chen Sun, Jodi Asbell-Clarke
Erstpublikation in: Educational Research Review 22 (2017) 142e158
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In this paper,we discuss the various definitions of CT emerging from different disciplines, and we present a definition of CT in terms of how K-12 educators might think of building a solid foundation for CT in young learners.We break down CT into the components most often cited in the literature and propose a model for embedding CT learning and assessment within K-12 curricula.
Von Valerie J. Shute, Chen Sun, Jodi Asbell-Clarke im Text Demystifying computational thinking (2017)
In this paper, we intend to explore the scope and complexity of CT, and establish a clear definition and framework that will aid in the development of CT pedagogy and assessment, particularly for K-12. At the end, we provide current research examples and ideas for future research. Our review addresses the following questions:
  1. What are the major characteristics and components of CT?
  2. What interventions are (or may be) used to train/enhance CT?
  3. What types of measures are used to assess CT? and
  4. What are the main theoretical frameworks/models of CT? Again, ourmain goal is to derive a general model of CT that may be used as a framework towards assessing and supporting CT. Our model is derived from an extensive literature review and serves to guide the development of CT pedagogy and assessment in educational settings.
Von Valerie J. Shute, Chen Sun, Jodi Asbell-Clarke im Text Demystifying computational thinking (2017)
This paper examines the growing field of computational thinking (CT) in education. A review of the relevant literature shows a diversity in definitions, interventions, assessments, and models. After synthesizing various approaches used to develop the construct in K-16 settings, we have created the following working definition of CT: The conceptual foundation required to solve problems effectively and efficiently (i.e., algorithmically, with or without the assistance of computers) with solutions that are reusable in different contexts. This definition highlights that CT is primarily a way of thinking and acting, which can be exhibited through the use particular skills, which then can become the basis for performance-based assessments of CT skills. Based on the literature, we categorized CT into six main facets: decomposition, abstraction, algorithm design, debugging, iteration, and generalization. This paper shows examples of CT definitions, interventions, assessments, and models across a variety of disciplines, with a call for more extensive research in this area.
Von Valerie J. Shute, Chen Sun, Jodi Asbell-Clarke im Text Demystifying computational thinking (2017)

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