learning with mobile devicesresearch and development (mlearn 2003)
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- A context-awareness architecture for facilitating mobile learning (Peter Lonsdale, Chris Baber, Mike Sharples, Theodoros N Arvanitis)
- Mobile learning and social inclusion - focusing on learners and learning (Seite 3 - 12)
- Evaluating non-functional requirements in mobile learning contents and multimedia educational software (Seite 13 - 20) (Gianna Avellis, Antonio Scaramuzzi, Anthony Finkelstein)
- A 'learning space' model to examine the suitability of different technologies for mobile learning (Seite 21 - 26) (Chris Baber, Mike Sharples, Giasemi Vavoula, Philip Glew)
- Self-produced video to augment peer-to-peer learning (Seite 27 - 34) (Eva Brandt, Per-Anders Hillgren, Erling Bjarki Björgvinsson)
- Individualised revision material for use on a handheld computer (Seite 35 - 42) (Susan Bull, Eileen Reid)
- Take a bite - producing accessible learning materials for mobile devices (Seite 43 - 46) (Jo Colley, Geoff Stead)
- Participatory design in the development of mobile learning environments (Seite 47 - 54) (Karin Danielsson, Ulf Hedestig, Maria Juslin, Carl Johan Orre)
- Using mobile devices for the classroom of the future (Seite 55 - 60) (Peter Dawabi, Martin Wessner, Erich Neuhold)
- Adaptive navigation for mobile devices (Seite 61 - 68) (Paul Graham, Chris Bowerman, Albert Bokma)
- Collaboration and roles in remote field trips (Seite 69 - 72) (Nick Hine, Rosaleen Rentoul, Marcus Specht)
- Learning can happen anywhere - a mobile system for language learning (Seite 73 - 78) (Vaida Kadyte)
- SMILE - the creation of space for interaction through blended digital technology (Seite 87 - 94) (Rose Luckin, Diane Brewster, Darren Pearce, Richard Siddons-Corby, Benedict du Boulay)
Dieser Konferenz-Band erwähnt ...
Personen KB IB clear | Edward de Bono , Donald A. Norman | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Begriffe KB IB clear | Bayes-Netz , ContentContent , Handheld / PDA in schoolHandheld / PDA in school , Lernenlearning , mobile learningmobile learning , Multimediamultimedia , Softwaresoftware , Wearable ComputingWearable Computing | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Bücher |
Dieser Konferenz-Band erwähnt vermutlich nicht ...
Nicht erwähnte Begriffe | Handheld / PDA |
4 Erwähnungen
- Literature Review in Mobile Technologies and Learning - Futurelab Report 11 (Laura Naismith, Peter Lonsdale, Giasemi Vavoula, Mike Sharples) (2006)
- Mobile Learning - Zeitschrift für e-learning 04/2007 (2007)
- Von passivem zu aktivem mobilen Lernen (Christoph Göth, Dirk Frohberg, Gerhard Schwabe)
- Mobile Learning (Norbert Pachler, Ben Bachmair, John Cook) (2010)
Volltext dieses Dokuments
learning with mobile devices: Gesamtes Buch als Volltext (: , 3288 kByte; : 2021-03-21) |
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