
While a few of the papers leaned to the pretentious or the superficial in their commentary, overall I found the essays to be informative and well written. The learned cast of writers included the likes of Michael Dertouzos (Director of the MIT Computer Science Lab), Alan Kay (a founder of Xerox PARC), Bob Metcalfe (co-inventor of Ethernet, WYSIWYG interface), John Seely Brown (Chief Scientist of Xerox), Rodney Brooks (Director of the AI Lab at MIT), Vint Cerf and Ray Kurzweil,. Most papers had a good list of references for further reading.
- flesh and machines (Rodney Brooks)
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6 Erwähnungen 
- Radical Evolution - The Promise and Peril of Enhancing Our Minds, Our Bodies - and What It Means to Be Human (Joel Garreau) (2006)
- From Bricks to Brains - The Embodied Cognitive Science of LEGO Robots (Michael Dawson, Brian Dupuis, Michael Wilson) (2010)
- Code/Space - Software and Everyday Life (Rob Kitchin, Martin Dodge) (2011)
- Great Principles of Computing (Peter Denning, Craig Martell) (2015)
- Reclaiming Conversation - The Power of Talk in a Digital Age (Sherry Turkle) (2015)
- God, Human, Animal, Machine - Technology, Metaphor, and the Search for Meaning (Meghan O'Gieblyn) (2021)
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