2001A Space Odyssey
Stanley Kubrick
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![]() Fragen KB IB clear | Kann ein Computer Geist besitzen?
Können Computer denken?Can computers think? |
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97 Erwähnungen 
- How the Mind Works (Steven Pinker)
- Mind as Machine - A History of Cognitive Science (Margaret A. Boden)
- Facebook Society - Losing Ourselves in Sharing Ourselves (Roberto Simanowski)
- SIGCSE 1990 - Proceedings of the 21st SIGCSE Technical Symposium on Computer Science Education, 1990, Washington, DC, USA, 1990 (Richard H. Austing, Lillian N. Cassel, James E. Miller, Daniel T. Joyce) (1990)
- A survey course in computer science using HyperCard (Rick Decker, Stuart Hirshfield) (1990)
- A survey course in computer science using HyperCard (Rick Decker, Stuart Hirshfield) (1990)
- Affective Computing (Rosalind Picard) (1997)
- Information Architecture for the World Wide Web - Designing Large-Scale Web Sites (Louis Rosenfeld, Peter Morville) (1998)
- SIGCSE 2000 - Proceedings of the 31st SIGCSE Technical Symposium on Computer Science Education, 2000, Austin, Texas, USA, March 7-12, 2000 (Lillian (Boots) Cassel, Nell B. Dale, Henry MacKay Walker, Susan M. Haller) (2000)
- Experiments with the use of popular press in the computer science curriculum (Paula Gabbert, Kevin Treu) (2000)
- Experiments with the use of popular press in the computer science curriculum (Paula Gabbert, Kevin Treu) (2000)
- Die Mär von den intelligenten Monstern (Rolf Pfeifer) (2001)
- The Language of New Media (Lev Manovich) (2001)
- The Invisible Future - The Seamless Integration of Technology Into Everyday Life (Peter Denning) (2001)
- Persuasive Technology - Using Computers to Change What We Think and Do (B. J. Fogg) (2002)
- 6. Credibility and computers
- 6. Credibility and computers
- Designing Sociable Robots (Cynthia L. Breazeal) (2002)
- Emotional Design - Why we love (or hate) everyday things (Donald A. Norman) (2004)
- Mind Wide Open - Your Brain and the Neuroscience of Everyday Life (Steven Johnson) (2004)
- Against Technology - From the Luddites to Neo-Luddism (Steven Edward Jones) (2006)
- Radical Evolution - The Promise and Peril of Enhancing Our Minds, Our Bodies - and What It Means to Be Human (Joel Garreau) (2006)
- How the Body Shapes the Way We Think - A New View of Intelligence (Rolf Pfeifer, Josh Bongard) (2006)
- Imaginary Futures - From Thinking Machines to the Global Village (Richard Barbrook) (2007)
- The Big Switch - Rewiring the World, from Edison to Google (Nicholas G. Carr) (2008)
- Designing and Engineering Time - The Psychology of Time Perception in Software (Steven C. Seow) (2008)
- Brave New Digital Classroom - Technology and Foreign Language Learning (Robert J. Blake) (2008)
- The Future of the Internet III (Janna Quitney Anderson, Lee Rainie) (2008)
- Encyclopedia of Play in Today's Society (Rodney P. Carlisle) (2009)
- The Ego Tunnel - The Science of the Mind and the Myth of the Self (Thomas Metzinger) (2009)
- Video Game Spaces - Image, Play, and Structure in 3D Worlds (Michael Nitsche) (2009)
- M-Book - die Zukunft des Schulbuches? (Werner Hartmann) (2010)
- The Shallows - What the Internet Is Doing to Our Brains (Nicholas G. Carr) (2010)
- The Googlization of Everything - (And Why We Should Worry) (Siva Vaidhyanathan) (2011)
- The New Digital Storytelling - Creating Narratives with New Media (Bryan Alexander) (2011)
- Switching Codes - Thinking Through Digital Technology in the Humanities and the Arts (Thomas Bartscherer, Roderick Coover) (2011)
- The Digital Divide - Arguments for and Against Facebook, Google, Texting, and the Age of Social Networking (Mark Bauerlein) (2011)
- Is Google Making Us Stupid? - What the Internet is doing to our brains (Nicholas G. Carr) (2008)
- Is Google Making Us Stupid? - What the Internet is doing to our brains (Nicholas G. Carr) (2008)
- Designing Information - Human Factors and Common Sense in Information Design (Joel Katz) (2012)
- Automate This - How Algorithms Came to Rule Our World (Christopher Steiner) (2012)
- Speaking Code - Coding as Aesthetic and Political Expression (Geoff Cox, Alex McLean, Franco Bifo Berardi) (2012)
- The Universal Machine - From the Dawn of Computing to Digital Consciousness (Ian Watson) (2012)
- Robots Will Steal Your Job, But That's OK - how to survive the economic collapse and be happy (Frederico Pistono) (2012)
- Besser optimieren - Kursbuch 171 (Armin Nassehi) (2012)
- Die stille Revolution - Wie Algorithmen Wissen, Arbeit, Öffentlichkeit und Politik verändern, ohne dabei viel Lärm zu machen (Mercedes Bunz) (2012)
- Who Owns the Future? (Jaron Lanier) (2013)
- Die berechnete Welt - Leben unter dem Einfluss von Algorithmen (Nora S. Stampfl) (2013)
- Social Reading - Platforms, applications, clouds and tags (José-Antonio Cordón-García, Julio Alonso-Arévalo, Raquel Gómez-Díaz, Daniel Linder) (2013)
- Our Final Invention - Artificial Intelligence and the End of the Human Era (James Barrat) (2014)
- The Innovator - How a Group of Hackers, Geniuses, and Geeks Created the Digital Revolution (Walter Isaacson) (2014)
- A Practical Guide to Teaching Computing and ICT in the Secondary School - 2. Edition (Andrew Connell, Anthony Edwards, Alison Hramiak) (2014)
- Computational Thinking for the Modern Problem Solver (David D. Riley, Kenny A. Hunt) (2014)
- 9. Limits of Computation
- 9. Limits of Computation
- Enchanted Objects - Design, Human Desire, and the Internet of Things (David Rose) (2014)
- Thema Medienevolution - Funkkorrespondenz 34/2014 (2014)
- Rise of the Robots - Technology and the Threat of a Jobless Future (Martin Ford) (2015)
- Beyond Zero and One (Andrew Smart) (2015)
- The Stack - On Software and Sovereignty (Benjamin H. Bratton) (2015)
- The Technological Singularity (Murray Shanahan) (2015)
- Machines of Loving Grace - The Quest for Common Ground Between Humans and Robots (John Markoff) (2015)
- Die Herrschaftsformel - Wie Künstliche Intelligenz uns berechnet, steuert und unser Leben verändert (Kai Schlieter) (2015)
- 300 Keywords Informationsethik - Grundwissen aus Computer- Netz- und Neue-Medien-Ethik sowie Maschinenethik (Oliver Bendel) (2016)
- Only Humans Need Apply - Winners and Losers in the Age of Smart Machines (Thomas H. Davenport, Julia Kirby) (2016)
- Robots (John M. Jordan) (2016)
- Data Love - The Seduction and Betrayal of Digital Technologies (Roberto Simanowski) (2016)
- Algorithms to Live By - The Computer Science of Human Decisions (Brian Christian, Tom Griffiths) (2016)
- The World According to Star Wars (Cass R. Sunstein) (2016)
- The Cyber Effect - A Pioneering Cyberpsychologist Explains How Human Behavior Changes Online (Mary Aiken) (2016)
- Common Sense, the Turing Test, and the Quest for Real AI - What artificial intelligence can tell us about the mind and intelligent behavior (Hector J. Levesque) (2017)
- Abfall - Das alternative ABC der neuen Medien (Roberto Simanowski) (2017)
- Unsere digitale Zukunft - In welcher Welt wollen wir leben? (Carsten Könneker) (2017)
- 25. Müssen wir autonome Killerroboter verbieten? (Jean-Paul Delahaye)
- 25. Müssen wir autonome Killerroboter verbieten? (Jean-Paul Delahaye)
- Wenn Maschinen intelligenter werden als Menschen (Matthias Sander) (2017)
- Wie die Welt in den Computer kam - Zur Entstehung digitaler Wirklichkeit (David Gugerli) (2018)
- Shaping the Fourth Industrial Revolution (Klaus Schwab) (2018)
- Stumme Medien - Vom Verschwinden der Computer in Bildung und Gesellschaft (Roberto Simanowski) (2018)
- The Fourth Education Revolution (Anthony Seldon, Oladimeji Abidoye) (2018)
- Possible Minds - 25 Ways of Looking at AI (John Brockman) (2019)
- Trick Mirror - reflections on self-delusion (Jia Tolentino) (2019)
- Believing in Bits - Digital Media and the Supernatural (Simone Natale, Diana Pasulka) (2019)
- Artificial You - AI and the Future of Your Mind (Susan Schneider) (2019)
- Inventive Minds - Marvin Minsky on Education (Marvin Minsky, Cynthia Solomon, Xiao Xiao) (2019)
- Digitalität und Privatheit (2019)
- Indistractable - How to Control Your Attention and Choose Your Life (Nir Eyal) (2019)
- The Democratization of Artificial Intelligence - Net Politics in the Era of Learning Algorithms (Andreas Sudmann) (2019)
- The Lonely Century - How Isolation Imperils Our Future (Noreena Hertz) (2020)
- AI Ethics (Mark Coeckelbergh) (2020)
- Too Smart - How Digital Capitalism Is Extracting Data, Controlling Our Lives, and Taking Over the World (Jathan Sadowski) (2020)
- If Then - How Simulmatics Corporation Invented the Future (Jill Lepore) (2020)
- Visual Culture (Alexis L. Boylan) (2020)
- The Fourth Education Revolution Reconsidered - Will Artificial Intelligence Liberate Or Infantilise Humanity (Anthony Seldon, Oladimeji Abidoye, Timothy Metcalf) (2020)
- Was macht die Digitalisierung mit den Hochschulen? - Einwürfe und Provokationen (Marko Demantowsky, Gerhard Lauer, Robin Schmidt, Bert te Wildt) (2020)
- Skalierte Kontingenz - Der disruptive Prozess der Digitalisierung und wie man (nicht) darüber sprechen sollte. Ein Plädoyer (Thomas Grob)
- Skalierte Kontingenz - Der disruptive Prozess der Digitalisierung und wie man (nicht) darüber sprechen sollte. Ein Plädoyer (Thomas Grob)
- The Microsoft-Story - How the Tech Giant Rebooted Its Culture, Upgraded Its Strategy, and Found Success in the Cloud (Dan Good) (2020)
- Digitalisierung der Bildung - FIfF-Kommunikation 4/2020 (2020)
- Science Fiction (Sherryl Vint) (2021)
- The Myth Of Artificial Intelligence - Why Computers Can’t Think The Way We Do (Erik J. Larson) (2021)
- Framers - Human Advantage in an Age of Technology and Turmoil (Kenneth Cukier, Viktor Mayer-Schönberger, Francis de Véricourt) (2021)
- Digitale Revolution und Bildung - Für eine zukunftsfähige Medienkompetenz (Roberto Simanowski) (2021)
- 5. Mordkommission
- 5. Mordkommission
- Story Machines - How Computers Have Become Creative Writers (Mike Sharples, Rafael Pérez y Pérez) (2022)
- The Metaverse - And How it Will Revolutionize Everything (Matthew Ball) (2022)
- Student Crowd Research (Nele Groß, Jennifer Preiß, Daria Paul, Alexa Kristin Brase, Gabi Reinmann) (2022)
- 8. Being creative (Mike Sharples, Rafael Pérez y Pérez)
- 8. Being creative (Mike Sharples, Rafael Pérez y Pérez)
- Der Mensch wird zur Batterie (Jean-Martin Büttner) (2023)
- The Coming Wave - Technology, Power, and the Twenty-first Century's Greatest Dilemma (Mustafa Suleyman, Michael Bhaskar) (2023)
- Zwischen Macht und Mythos - Eine kritische Einordnung aktueller KI-Narrative (Rainer Rehak) (2023)
- Die alte Angst vor dem Supercomputer (Pascal Michel) (2024)
Co-zitierte Bücher
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Beat und diesen Film
Beat hat diesen Film während seiner Zeit am Institut für Medien und Schule (IMS) ins Biblionetz aufgenommen. Beat besitzt weder ein physisches noch ein digitales Exemplar. Aufgrund der wenigen Einträge im Biblionetz scheint er es nicht wirklich gelesen zu haben. Es wird häufig von anderen Objekten im Biblionetz zitiert.