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Beats Biblionetz - Bücher

Computers as Theatre

Second Edition
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Dieses Biblionetz-Objekt existiert erst seit September 2024. Es ist deshalb gut möglich, dass viele der eigentlich vorhandenen Vernetzungen zu älteren Biblionetz-Objekten bisher nicht erstellt wurden. Somit kann es sein, dass diese Seite sehr lückenhaft ist.


Computers as Theatre

Brenda Laurels Computers as Theatre revolutionized the field of human-computer interaction, offering ideas that inspired generations of interface and interaction designers-and continue to inspire them. Laurels insight was that effective interface design, like effective drama, must engage the user directly in an experience involving both thought and emotion. Her practical conclusion was that a users enjoyment must be a paramount design consideration, and this demands a deep awareness of dramatic theory and technique, both ancient and modern.
Now, two decades later, Laurel has revised and revamped her influential work, reflecting back on enormous change and personal experience and forward toward emerging technologies and ideas that will transform human-computer interaction yet again. Beginning with a clear analysis of classical drama theory, Laurel explores new territory through the lens of dramatic structure and purpose. Computers as Theatre, Second Edition, is directed to a far wider audience, is written more simply and elegantly, is packed with new examples, and is replete with exciting and important new ideas.

This book:

  • Draws lessons from massively multiplayer online games and systems, social networks, and mobile devices with embedded sensors
  • Integrates values-driven design as a key principle
  • Integrates key ideas about virtual reality
  • Covers new frontiers, including augmented reality, distributed and participatory sensing, interactive public installations and venues, and design for emergence

Once more, Brenda Laurel will help you see the connection between humans and computers as you never have before-and help you build interfaces and interactions that are pleasurably, joyously right!ssor Jonathan Knee argues that the truth is much more complicated–but entrepreneurs and investors can understand what makes the giants work, and learn the keys to lasting success in the digital economy. Knee explains what really makes the biggest tech companies work: a surprisingly disparate portfolio of structural advantages buttressed by shrewd acquisitions, strong management, lax regulation, and often, encouraging the myth that they are invincible to discourage competitors. By offering fresh insights into the true sources of strength and very real vulnerabilities of these companies, The Platform Delusion shows how investors, existing businesses, and startups might value them, compete with them, and imitate them. The Platform Delusion demystifies the success of the biggest digital companies in sectors from retail to media to software to hardware, offering readers what those companies don’t want everyone else to know. Knee’s insights are invaluable for entrepreneurs and investors in digital businesses seeking to understand what drives resilience and profitability for the long term.

Von Klappentext im Buch Computers as Theatre (2013)

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KB IB clear
augmented realityaugmented reality , Computercomputer , Designdesign , Digitalisierung , Emergenzemergence , Schnittstellen-Plattform , Virtual Realityvirtual reality

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