A Machine for Automatic Teaching Of Drill Material
Erstpublikation in: School and Society, Vol. 25, No. 645
Zu finden in: Teaching Machines and Programmed Learning (Seite 42 bis 46), 1960
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In May 1927, Pressey published a follow-up article in School and Society: “A Machine for Automatic Teaching of Drill Material.” Although quite similar to the first one that had appeared in the journal, Pressey focused this time around less on the machine’s capacity to reshape teaching labor and more on how the Automatic Teacher exemplified the very best science and science-informed pedagogy.
Von Audrey Watters im Buch Teaching Machines (2021) im Text Sidney Pressey and the Automatic Teacher - The paper reports an effort to develop an apparatus for teaching drill material which (a) should keep each question or problem before the learner until he finds the correct answer, (b) should inform him at once regarding the correctness of each response he makes, (c) should continue to put the subject through the series of questions until the entire lesson has been learned, but (d) should eliminate each question from consideration as the correct answer, for it has been mastered.
- Such an apparatus is described (a^) as it appears to the "inner workings".
- It is reiterated that laborsaving devices should be possible in education. Such devices might well handle certain types of routine work even better than the teacher could. They should save the teacher's time and energy from such routine, so that she may do more real teaching of the ideal-developing and thought-stimulating type.
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Personen KB IB clear | Sidney L. Pressey | ||||||||||||||||||
Aussagen KB IB clear | Computer ermöglichen unmittelbare Rückmeldungen. | ||||||||||||||||||
Begriffe KB IB clear | Effizienz , law of effectlaw of effect , Lernenlearning | ||||||||||||||||||
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8 Erwähnungen
- Teaching Machines and Programmed Learning - A Source Book (A. A. Lumsdaine, Robert Glaser) (1960)
- Computereinsatz in der Grundschule? - Fragen der didaktischen Legitimierung und der Software-Gestaltung (Günter Krauthausen, Volker Herrmann) (1994)
- I-Learning statt E-Learning - Ein integratives und universelles Modell für Lernsysteme jenseits von Schulbank und Seminarraum, Multimedia und Internet (Thomas Meyer) (2002)
- «Selbstgesteuertes Lernen» - Interdisziplinäre Kritik eines suggestiven Konzepts (Jürgen Oelkers, Damian Miller) (2020)
- 9. Lernen mit Technologie - Pädagogische und politische Kritik und Ambitionen (Damian Miller)
- Teaching Machines - The History of Personalized Learning (Audrey Watters) (2021)
- 2. Sidney Pressey and the Automatic Teacher
- Individuelle Förderung und Digitalität (Götz Bieber, Julia Gerick) (2022)
- Individuelle Förderung mit digitalen Medien - Ein Problemaufriss (Heike Schaumburg)
- Künstliche Intelligenz in der Bildung (Claudia de Witt, Christina Gloerfeld, Silke Elisabeth Wrede) (2023)
- Bildung durch Künstliche Intelligenz ermöglichen - Ein Beitrag aus bildungstheoretischer Perspektive (Heinz-Werner Wollersheim)
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