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Tablet PCs in schools

Case study report
, P. Twining, E. Evans, D. Cook, J. Ralston, I. Selwood, A. Jones, J. Underwood, G. Dillon, E. Scanlon ,  local web 
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Tablet PCs in schoolsThis review provides an analysis of Tablet PC use, based on case studies from twelve English schools. It is a companion publication to Tablet PCs in schools: A review of literature and selected projects.
Von Klappentext in der Broschüre Tablet PCs in schools (2005)
Tablet PCs in schoolsThis report provides an analysis of twelve case studies involving schools in England that were using Tablet PCs. The analysis is complemented by brief individual reports describing aspects of how each of these schools was using Tablet PCs.
Von P. Twining, E. Evans, D. Cook, J. Ralston, I. Selwood, A. Jones, J. Underwood, G. Dillon, E. Scanlon in der Broschüre Tablet PCs in schools (2005)
Tablet PCs in schoolsThe key findings emerging from the case studies were that Tablet PCs: • for maximum benefit, needed to be used in conjunction with a wireless network • needed to be introduced in a planned way that took full account of the school’s vision, as well as of the technical infrastructure, support and staff development, and day-to-day management issues
  • increased the amount of ICT use and the degree of integration of ICT across the curriculum
  • at some schools were used effectively to replace an ICT suite and thus free up space
  • increased motivation, and hence were likely to have a positive impact on learning outcomes
  • supported moves to more independent and collaborative study
  • used with a wireless data projector, provided a better solution than a desktop or laptop and hardwired interactive whiteboard
  • were seen as being more versatile than laptops, although the higher price of Tablet PCs relative to similarly specified laptops was prohibitive.
Von P. Twining, E. Evans, D. Cook, J. Ralston, I. Selwood, A. Jones, J. Underwood, G. Dillon, E. Scanlon in der Broschüre Tablet PCs in schools (2005)

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