Handbook of Visual Languages for Instructional DesignTheories and Practices
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The Handbook of Visual Languages for Instructional Design: Theories & Practices serves as a practical guide for the integration of ID languages and notation systems into the practice of ID by presenting recent languages and notation systems for ID; exploring the connection between the use of ID languages and the integration of technologies in education, and assessing the benefits and drawbacks of the use of ID languages in specific project settings.
- Commodity, Firmness, and Delight - Four Modes of Instructional Design Practice
(Seite 1 - 17) (Brad Hokanson, Charles Miller, Simon Hooper)
- Translate to Communicate - Facilitating Client Understanding of Design Languages
(Seite 18 - 32) (Jason K. McDonald)
- The Power of Design Drawing in Other Design Fields (Seite 33 - 51) (Todd S. Stubbs, Andrew S. Gibbons)
- The Culture Based Model - A Framework for Designers and Visual ID Languages
(Seite 52 - 74) (Patricia A. Young)
- The Virtue of Paper - Drawing as a means to innovation in instructional design
(Seite 75 - 89) (Brad Hokanson)
- Plotting a Learning Experience (Seite 90 - 110) (Patrick Parrish)
- E2ML - A Tool for Sketching Instructional Designs
(Seite 111 - 131) (Luca Botturi)
- The MOT+Visual Language for Knowledge-Based Instructional Design (Seite 132 - 153) (Gilbert Paquette, Michel Léonard, Karin Lundgren-Cayrol)
- coUML - A Visual Language for Modeling Cooperative Environments
(Seite 154 - 182) (Michael Derntl, Renate Motschnig-Pitrik)
- poEML - A Separation of Concerns Proposal to Instructional Design
(Seite 183 - 207) (Manuel Caeiro-Rodríguez)
- Performance Case Modeling (Seite 208 - 223) (Ian Douglas)
- LDL for collaborative activities (Seite 224 - 251) (Christine Ferraris, Christian Martel, Laurence Vignollet)
- Visual Design of coherent Technology-Enhanced Learning Systems - a few lessons learned from CPM language
(Seite 252 - 279) (Thierry Nodenot, Pierre Laforcade, Xavier Le Pallec)
- Visual Modelling of Collaborative Learning Processes - Uses, Desired Properties, and Approaches
(Seite 280 - 297) (Andreas Harrer, Heinz Ulrich Hoppe)
- Using the IMS Learning Design notation for the modelling and delivery of education (Seite 298 - 314) (Colin Tattersall, Tim Sodhi, Daniel Burgos, Rob Koper)
- Comparing Visual Instructional Design Languages - A Case Study
(Seite 315 - 344) (Luca Botturi, Daniel Burgos, Manuel Caeiro-Rodríguez, Michael Derntl, Rob Koper, Patrick Parrish, Tim Sodhi, Colin Tattersal)
- The Pervasiveness of Design Drawing in ID (Seite 345 - 365) (Todd S. Stubbs, Andrew S. Gibbons)
- Lost In Translation - Improving The Transition Between Design And Production Of Instructional Software
(Seite 366 - 379) (Eddy Boot, Jon Nelson, Daniela De Faveri)
- A Visual Learning Design Representation to facilitate dissemination and reuse of innovative pedagogical strategies in University Teaching (Seite 380 - 393) (Shirley Agostinho, Barry Harper, Ron Oliver, John Hedberg, Sandra Wills)
- Diagrams of learning flow patterns’ solutions as visual representations of refinable IMS Learning Design templates (Seite 394 - 412) (Davinia Hernández-Leo, Eloy D. Villasclaras-Fernández, Juan I. Asensio-Pérez, Yannis Dimitriadis)
- Designing for Change - visual design tools to support process change in education
(Seite 413 - 438) (John Casey, Kevin Brosnan, Wolfgang Greller, Allen Masson, Aine MacNeil, Colette Murphy)
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1 Erwähnungen 
- WiPSCE '21 - The 16th Workshop in Primary and Secondary Computing Education, Virtual Event / Erlangen, Germany, October 18-20, 2021 (Marc Berges, Andraes Mühling, Michal Armoni) (2021)
- A Decade of CS Education in New Zealand's High Schools - Where Are We At? (Chamindi K. Samarasekara, Claudia Ott, Anthony V. Robins) (2021)
- A Decade of CS Education in New Zealand's High Schools - Where Are We At? (Chamindi K. Samarasekara, Claudia Ott, Anthony V. Robins) (2021)
Volltext dieses Dokuments
Titel | Format | Bez. | Aufl. | Jahr | ISBN | ||||||
Handbook of Visual Languages for Instructional Design | E | - | - | 1 | 2007 | 1599047292 | ![]() |
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