Social Demands in Ubiquitous ComputingContexts for Tomorrow’s Learning
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We live in times of digital change, which manifests in the increasing
pervasiveness of embedded and cyber-physical systems in our society. This
change also needs to be reflected in education, as new knowledge and competencies
become necessary to deal with everyday life challenges, for instance
when estimating consequences of capturing, transmitting and evaluating sensor
data in many devices and acting accordingly and responsibly. This article
examines requirements that the digital society places on CS education. In our
analysis, we identified numerous contexts, activities and knowledge areas relevant
for students to cope with challenges of the digital world. Combined with
content knowledge relevant in this domain, suitable phenomena and thus anchor
points for teaching can be generated and, on this basis, specific learning scenarios
can be developed that also consider general educative aims imposed by
our society.
Von Mareen Grillenberger, Ralf Romeike im Text Social Demands in Ubiquitous Computing (2017) Dieses Konferenz-Paper erwähnt ...
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