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One-to-One Computing and Student Achievement in Ohio High Schools

Nancy L. Williams, Karen H. Larwin
Erstpublikation in: Journal of Research on Technology in Education
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This study explores the impact of one-to-one computing on student achievement in Ohio high schools as measured by performance on the Ohio Graduation Test (OGT). The sample included 24 treatment schools that were individually paired with a similar control school. An interrupted time series methodology was deployed to examine OGT data over a period of 5 to 8 years. Overall student performance and content-specific achievement in math, reading, science, social studies, and writing were not significantly affected by the introduction of 1:1 computing. Treatment schools using a netbook device produced the greatest overall change in scores.
Von Nancy L. Williams, Karen H. Larwin im Text One-to-One Computing and Student Achievement in Ohio High Schools (2016)
Mark WarschauerA study in the USA explores the impact of one-to-one computing on student achievement in Ohio high schools as measured by performance on the Ohio Graduation Test (Williams and Larwin 2016). The sample included 24 treatment schools that were individually paired with a similar control school. Overall, examining the full sample, student performance and content-specific achievement in math, reading, science, social studies, and writing were not significantly affected by the introduction of the one-to-one program. However, when broken down into demographic groups, the results show that Black students in the treatment group performed lower than their peers in control groups.
Von Mark Warschauer, Ying Xu im Buch Second Handbook of Information Technology in Primary and Secondary Education (2018) im Text Technology and Equity in Education

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Was bringt eine 1:1-Ausstattung?

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