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6 Bücher von Edward R. Tufte 
Texte von Edward R. Tufte 
Jahr | Volltext | Abrufe | Text | Texttyp |
2003 | ![]() ![]() |
3, 3, 8, 2, 2, 1, 6, 7, 4, 5, 3, 2 | PowerPoint Is Evil - Power Corrupts. PowerPoint Corrupts Absolutely. (Edward R. Tufte) erschienen in Wired September 2003 | Text |
Definitionen von Edward R. Tufte
information design |
Zauberei |
Bemerkungen von Edward R. Tufte
Von Edward R. Tufte gibt es im Biblionetz Bemerkungen zu:
![]() Bücher KB IB clear | The Cognitive Style of Power Point |
![]() Texte KB IB clear | Escaping Flatland |
![]() Begriffe KB IB clear | PowerPoint |
Bemerkungen über Edward R. Tufte

Jamy Ian Swiss
Begriffswolke von Edward R. Tufte
Zitate von Edward R. Tufte
von Edward R. Tufte im Buch Visual Explanations (1997) im Text Explaining Magic auf Seite 68
Zitationsgraph (Beta-Test mit vis.js)
129 Erwähnungen 
- Beyond Amplification - Using the Computer to Reorganize Mental Functioning (Roy Pea) (1985)
- Envisioning Information (Edward R. Tufte) (1990)
- Macintosh human interface guidelines (1992)
- 200 Prozent von nichts - Die geheimen Tricks der Statistik und andere Schwindeleien mit Zahlen (A. K. Dewdney) (1993)
- SIGCSE 1993 - Proceedings of the 24th SIGCSE Technical Symposium on Computer Science Education, 1993, Indianapolis, Indiana, USA, February 18-19, 1993 (Bruce J. Klein, Cary Laxer, Frank H. Young) (1993)
- Getting research students started - a tale of two courses (Ian H. Witten, Timothy C. Bell) (1993)
- Getting research students started - a tale of two courses (Ian H. Witten, Timothy C. Bell) (1993)
- Wissenserwerb mit Bildern - Instruktionale Bilder in Printmedien, Film/Video und Computerprogrammen (Bernd Weidenmann) (1994)
- Wissenserwerb mit logischen Bildern (Wolfgang Schnotz)
- Things That Make Us Smart - Defending Human Attributes in the Age of the Machine (Donald A. Norman) (1994)
- Space-Filling Software Visualization (Marla J. Baker, Stephen G. Eick) (1994)
- Bringing Design to Software (Terry Winograd) (1996)
- The Digital Economy - Promise and Peril in the Age of Networked Intelligence (Don Tapscott) (1997)
- Visuelle Programmierung - Grundlagen und Einsatzmöglichkeiten (Stefan Schiffer) (1998)
- Web Style Guide - Basic Design Principles for Creating Web Sites (Patrick J. Lynch, Sarah Horton) (1999)
- io management 6/99 (1999)
- Storie digitali - Poetiche della communicatizione (Maia Engeli) (1999)
- The Age of Spiritual Machines - When Computers Exceed Human Intelligence (Ray Kurzweil) (1999)
- extreme Programming explained - embrace change (Kent Beck) (1999)
- Designing Web Usability - The Practice of Simplicity (Jakob Nielsen) (1999)
- The Humane Interface - New Directions for Designing Interactive Systems (Jef Raskin) (2000)
- bits and spaces - architecture and computing for physical, virtual, hybrid realms; 33 projects by architecture and CAAD, ETH Zurich (Maia Engeli) (2001)
- Knowledge Territory (Mikako Harada, Malgorzata Miskiewicz-Bugajski)
- Websites visualisieren - Entwerfen, analysieren und steuern mit Plänen, Karten und Diagrammen (Paul Kahn, Krzysztof Lenk) (2001)
- 4. Website-Planungsdiagramme
- The Language of Cyberspace - An Architectural Approach (Andrew van de Moere) (2001)
- Multimedia Learning (Richard E. Mayer) (2001)
- Virtual Library - Paths to Knowledge (Malgorzata Bugajska, Andrew van de Moere) (2001)
- GDI Impuls 3/01 (Gottlieb Duttweiler Institut) (2001)
- Die Welt der Infoskope (Dominique Brodbeck)
- Die Welt der Infoskope (Dominique Brodbeck)
- Mit dem Auge denken - Strategien der Sichtbarmachung in wissenschaftlichen und virtuellen Welten (Bettina Heintz, Jörg Huber) (2001)
- Die Bildsprache der Homepages (Gabriele Fackler)
- Die Bildsprache der Homepages (Gabriele Fackler)
- A semantic approach to visualizing online conversations (Judith Donath) (2002)
- Digital Information Graphics (Matt Woolman) (2002)
- The Language of Graphics - A framework for the analysis of syntax and meaning in maps, charts and diagrams (Jörg von Engelhardt) (2002)
- Bildersprache - Otto Neurath - Visualisierungen (Frank Hartmann, Erwin K. Bauer) (2002)
- The Elements of User Experience - User-Centered Design for the Web (Jesse James Garrett) (2002)
- 6. The Skeleton Plane - Interface Design, Navigation Design and Information Design
- Information Architecture - Blueprints for the Web (Christina Wodtke) (2002)
- Mapping Scientific Frontiers - The Quest for Knowledge Visualization (Chaomei Chen) (2003)
- Universal Principles of Design - A Cross-Disciplinary Reference (William Lidwell, Kritian Holden, Jill Butler) (2003)
- Wissenschaftliches Arbeiten für Wirtschafts- und Sozialwissenschaftler (Claus Ebster, Lieselotte Stalzer) (2003)
- Mediologie - Ansätze einer Medientheorie der Kulturwissenschaften (Frank Hartmann) (2003)
- Knowledge Visualization (Martin Jürg Eppler, Remo A. Burkhard) (2004)
- Visual Knowledge Transfer between Planners and Business Decision Makers (Remo A. Burkhard) (2004)
- Defining an Identity - The Evolution of Science Education as a Field of Research (Peter J. Fensham) (2004)
- Powerpoint regiert (Guido Mingels) (2004)
- Computational Information Design (Ben Fry) (2004)
- Learning from Architects - The Difference between Knowledge Visualization and Information Visualization (Remo A. Burkhard) (2004)
- Einführung in das systemische Wissensmanagement (Helmut Willke) (2004)
- Information Visualization - Beyond the Horizon (Chaomei Chen) (2004)
- 1. Introduction
- 1. Introduction
- Strategy Visualization - A New Research Focus in Knowledge Visualization and a Case Study (Remo A. Burkhard) (2005)
- Tube Map Visualization - Evaluation of a Novel Knowledge Visualization Application for the Transfer of Knowledge in Long-Term Projects (Remo A. Burkhard, Michael Meier) (2005)
- Vorsicht Bildschirm! - Elektronische Medien, Gehirnentwicklung, Gesundheit und Gesellschaft (Manfred Spitzer) (2005)
- Automated Use of a Wiki for Collaborative Lecture Notes (Melissa E. O'Neill) (2005)
- Knowledge and Information Visualization - Searching for Synergies (Sigmar-Olaf Tergan, Tanja Keller) (2005)
- 3. Representational Correspondence as a Basic Principle of Diagram Design (Christopher F. Chabris, Stephen M. Kosslyn)
- 11. Concept Maps - Integrating Knowledge and Information Visualization (Alberto J. Cañas, Roger Carff, Greg Hill, Marco Carvalho, Marco Arguedas, Thomas Eskridge, James Lott, Rodrigo Carvajal)
- 13. Towards a Framework and a Model for Knowledge Visualization - Synergies Between Information and Knowledge Visualization (Remo A. Burkhard) (2005)
- 3. Representational Correspondence as a Basic Principle of Diagram Design (Christopher F. Chabris, Stephen M. Kosslyn)
- Knowledge Visualization - The use of complementary visual representations for the transfer of knowledge. A model, a framework, and four new approaches (Remo A. Burkhard) (2005)
- Visualization in Science Education (John K. Gilbert) (2005)
- Semantic Web - Wege zur vernetzten Wissensgesellschaft (Tassilo Pellegrini, Andreas Blumauer) (2006)
- Knowledge Visualization - Die nächste Herausforderung für Semantic Web Forschende? (Remo A. Burkhard)
- Knowledge Visualization - Die nächste Herausforderung für Semantic Web Forschende? (Remo A. Burkhard)
- IT im schulischen Kontext - Medienpädagogik 2/05 (Heinz Moser, Heidi Schelhowe) (2006)
- Kopiertes Wissen - Das Verschwinden der Bildung im Zeitalter von Copy & Paste (Thorsten Lorenz)
- Kopiertes Wissen - Das Verschwinden der Bildung im Zeitalter von Copy & Paste (Thorsten Lorenz)
- Informatikunterricht planen und durchführen (Werner Hartmann, Michael Näf, Raimond Reichert) (2006)
- Towards A Periodic Table of Visualization Methods for Management (Ralph Lengler, Martin Jürg Eppler) (2006)
- Collaborative blended learning - Eine Orientierung für Lehrende, ModeratorInnen und TutorInnen zum Thema: Wie kann ich das E-Medium für Lernprozesse in der Erwachsenenbildung nutzen? (Barbara Buchegger, Lotte Krisper-Ullyett, Julia Michl, Johann Ortner) (2006)
- Informal Learning - Rediscovering the Natural Pathways That Inspire Innovation and Performance (Jay Cross) (2006)
- About Face 3 - The Essentials of Interaction Design (Alan Cooper, Robert Reimann, David Cronin) (2007)
- The Ghost Map - A Street, an Epidemic and the Hidden Power of Urban Networks (2007)
- Report on dangers and opportunities posed by large search engines, particularly Google (Hermann Maurer, Tilo Balke, Frank Kappe, Narayanan Kulathuramaiyer, Stefan Weber, Bilal Zaka) (2007)
- Software Studies - A Lexicon (Matthew Fuller) (2008)
- Multimedia (Frank Hartmann) (2008)
- The Risks of Visualization - A Classification of Disadvantages Associated with Graphic Representations of Information (Sabrina Bresciani, Martin Jürg Eppler) (2008)
- The Back of the Napkin - Solving Problems and Selling Ideas with Pictures (Dan Roam) (2008)
- Veränderungen wissenschaftlicher Literalität durch digitale Medien - Neue literale Praktiken im Kontext Hochschule (Anne Thillosen) (2008)
- Introduction to Information Visualization (Riccardo Mazza) (2009)
- Wiki Writing - Collaborative Learning in the College Classroom (Matthew Barton, Robert Cummings) (2009)
- Wiki Justice, Social Ergonomics, and Ethical Collaborations (Jonah Bossewitch, John Frankfurt, Alexander Sherman, Robin D. G. Kelley)
- Wiki Justice, Social Ergonomics, and Ethical Collaborations (Jonah Bossewitch, John Frankfurt, Alexander Sherman, Robin D. G. Kelley)
- Visionäre der Programmierung - Die Sprachen und ihre Schöpfer (Federico Biancuzzi, Shane Warden) (2009)
- PowerPoint - Macht und Einfluss eines Präsentationsprogramms (Wolfgang Coy, Claus Pias) (2009)
- electronic overheads - Elemente einer Vorgeschichte von PowerPoint (Claus Pias)
- Handbook of Graph Drawing and Visualization - Discrete Mathematics and Its Applications (Roberto Tamassia) (2010)
- Information is Beautiful - The Information Atlas (David McCandless) (2010)
- Präsentieren in Wissenschaft und Forschung (Barbara Hey) (2011)
- Visual Complexity - Mapping Patterns of Information (Manuel Lima) (2011)
- Human Attention in Digital Environments (Claudia Roda) (2011)
- Designing Information - Human Factors and Common Sense in Information Design (Joel Katz) (2012)
- mobile learning 2012 (Inmaculada Arnedillo Sánchez, Pedro Isaías) (2012)
- 'Raw Data' Is an Oxymoron (Lisa Gitelman) (2013)
- Digital Exposure - Postmodern Postcapitalism (Raphael Sassower) (2013)
- SIGCSE 2013 - The 44th ACM Technical Symposium on Computer Science Education, SIGCSE '13, Denver, CO, USA, March 6-9, 2013 (Tracy Camp, Paul T. Tymann, J. D. Dougherty, Kris Nagel) (2013)
- A data-centric introduction to computer science for non-majors (David G. Sullivan) (2013)
- A data-centric introduction to computer science for non-majors (David G. Sullivan) (2013)
- Cool Infographics - Effective Communication with Data Visualization and Design (Randy Krum) (2014)
- Storytelling with Data - A Data Visualization Guide for Business Professionals (Cole Nussbaumer Knaflic) (2015)
- Reclaiming Conversation - The Power of Talk in a Digital Age (Sherry Turkle) (2015)
- The Math Myth - And Other STEM Delusions (Andrew Hacker) (2016)
- Artificial Unintelligence (Meredith Broussard) (2018)
- Data Science (John D. Kelleher, Brendan Tierney) (2018)
- Calling Bullshit - The Art of Skepticism in a Data-Driven World (Carl T. Bergstrom, Jevin D. West) (2020)
- 7. Data Visualization
- Hello World 14 (2020)
- Code as Creative Medium (Golan Levin, Tega Brain) (2021)
- Mit Daten sprechen - Praktiken, Expertisen und Visualisierungsmodi im Datenjournalismus (Rahel Estermann) (2023)
![]() | Envisioning Information: Gesamtes Buch als Volltext (![]() ![]() |
![]() | The Cognitive Style of Power Point: Gesamtes Buch als Volltext (![]() ![]() |
![]() | The Visual Display of Quantitative Information: Gesamtes Buch als Volltext (![]() ![]() |
![]() | Visual Explanations: Gesamtes Buch als Volltext (![]() ![]() |
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