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Children, risk and safety on the internet

Kids online in comparative perspective
, Leslie Haddona, Anke Görzig ,
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Children, risk and safety on the internetWith contributions from members of the EU Kids Online network from a broad range of European countries, this book captures the diverse, topical and timely expertise generated by the network, reflecting the different aspects of the EU Kids Online project.
With a particular focus on risk and safety, each chapter includes up to date and previously unpublished comparative findings from across Europe, developing a critical approach to the research domain, its findings and possible conclusions.
The book will be of interest to academics, researchers and students in sociology, childhood studies, social policy and media studies, as well as policy makers and those involved with corporate social responsibility in the internet industry.
Von Klappentext im Buch Children, risk and safety on the internet (2012)
Children, risk and safety on the internetAs internet use is extending to younger children, there is an increasing need for research focus on the risks young users are experiencing, as well as the opportunities, and how they should cope. With expert contributions from diverse disciplines and a uniquely cross-national breadth, this timely book examines the prospect of enhanced opportunities for learning, creativity and communication set against the fear of cyberbullying, pornography and invaded privacy by both strangers and peers. Based on an impressive in-depth survey of 25,000 children carried out by the EU Kids Online network, it offers wholly new findings that extend previous research and counter both the optimistic and the pessimistic hype. It argues that, in the main, children are gaining the digital skills, coping strategies and social support they need to navigate this fast-changing terrain. But it also identifies the struggles they encounter, pinpointing those for whom harm can follow from risky online encounters. Each chapter presents new findings and analyses to inform both researchers and students in the social sciences and policy makers in government, industry or child welfare who are working to enhance children's digital experiences.
Von Klappentext im Buch Children, risk and safety on the internet (2012)

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Wie nutzen Kinder und Jugendliche Medien und ICT?

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EuropaEurope , Internetinternet , Kinderchildren

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Eltern, Schule



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