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Know your audience/user/customer

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Jay CrossPut yourself in the listener's shoes first, last, and always.
Von Jay Cross im Buch Informal Learning (2006) im Text Learners auf Seite  98
Macintosh human interface guidelinesIdentifying and understanding your target audience are among the most important first steps when you start designing your product. To create a product that people can and will use, study the people who make up your target audience.
im Buch Macintosh human interface guidelines (1992) im Text Human Interface Principles
Remo A. BurkhardA designer should be aware of the diversity in the audience: the different needs and various social, cultural, and educational backgrounds. People think, understand, and solve problems in different ways. It is important to know whether an individual, a group, an organization, or a network is being addressed.
Von Remo A. Burkhard in der Dissertation Knowledge Visualization (2005) im Text The Knowledge Visualization Model
Remo A. BurkhardKnow your audience: A designer should be aware of the diversity of the audience, their different needs and various social, cultural and educational backgrounds. People think, understand, and solve problems in different ways. It is further important to know whether an individual, a group, an organization, or a network is being addressed.
Von Remo A. Burkhard im Buch Knowledge and Information Visualization im Text Towards a Framework and a Model for Knowledge Visualization (2005)
Ben ShneidermanKnow the users and their tasks: Users are a vital source of ideas and feedback; use them throughout the development process to test your designs. Realize that you are not a good judge of your own design because you know too much. Study the target population ot users carefully to make certain you know how the System will really be used. Create demonstrations and prototypes early in the project; don't wait for the full technology to be ready.
Von Ben Shneiderman im Buch The Society of Text (1989) im Text Reflections on authoring, editing, and managing hypertext auf Seite  125

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iconZitationsgraph (Beta-Test mit vis.js)


icon21 Erwähnungen  Dies ist eine nach Erscheinungsjahr geordnete Liste aller im Biblionetz vorhandenen Werke, die das ausgewählte Thema behandeln.

iconAnderswo suchen  Auch im Biblionetz finden Sie nicht alles. Aus diesem Grund bietet das Biblionetz bereits ausgefüllte Suchformulare für verschiedene Suchdienste an. Biblionetztreffer werden dabei ausgeschlossen.

iconBiblionetz-History Dies ist eine graphische Darstellung, wann wie viele Verweise von und zu diesem Objekt ins Biblionetz eingetragen wurden und wie oft die Seite abgerufen wurde.