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Implementing tablet PCs in schools

Students’ attitudes and opinions
Hakan Dündar, Murat Akçayır
Erstpublikation in: Computers in Human Behavior 32 (2014) 40-46
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In this study, the attitudes, expectations and views of 206 students in four high schools within the scope of the FAT_IH project in Turkey were assessed regarding tablet PC technology after six months of a pilot plan that included the distribution of tablet PCs to students. The research questions of this study are whether there is a meaningful difference between tablet PC use by male and female students and the effect of computer and Internet by students on attitudes toward tablet PC use. Qualitative and quantitative data collection tools were used in the research. The Computer Attitude Measure for Young students (CAMYS) developed by Teo and Noyes (2008) was used in evaluating the students’ attitudes toward the tablet PC usage. Interviews were conducted with eight teachers at pilot schools concerning the integration of tablet PCs into their classes; the positive and negative dimensions of tablet PCs were analyzed. The findings indicate that students have a positive attitude toward tablet PCs. There was not a meaningful difference between the attitudes of male and female students toward tablet PCs. The length of computer and Internet by the students did not affect their attitudes toward tablet PCs. The ways that teachers used tablet PCs in classes, the positive and negative aspects of tablet PC usage and the students’ expectations of tablet PCs were discussed in the study.
Von Hakan Dündar, Murat Akçayır im Text Implementing tablet PCs in schools (2014)

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