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The Roles of Confidence and Perceived Usefulness in Female Student Engagement in High School Computing Science

Sultanah Albakri, Mireilla Bikanga Ada, Alistair Morrison
Zu finden in: WIPSCE '23, 2023
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Girls’ participation in the computer science (CS) field is influenced by several factors, including positive student engagement, confidence in their ability to learn and perform well on CS tasks, and belief in the usefulness of learning CS. While there has been substantial research on student engagement in CS in general, no studies have focused on understanding how the dimensions of student engagement (behavioural, cognitive, emotional, and social) relate to confidence and perceived usefulness in relation to gender, especially for female students in the CS field. To address this gap, a study was conducted using a multidimensional student engagement self-report instrument to collect data from female high school students in CS classes (n = 284). Spearman’s rank correlation results showed a positive correlation between confidence and perceived usefulness with all four dimensions of student engagement. Therefore, increasing student confidence and perceived usefulness can successfully engage students in learning CS. The paper also highlights areas that require further investigation and discusses the challenges and implications of these findings for developing interventions to increase student engagement, confidence, and perceived usefulness in CS. The study significantly contributes to the field by measuring the multidimensional student engagement of Saudi Arabia’s high school pupils in CS classes. The findings are expected to shed light on factors that may motivate female students’ interest in CS and increase their learning.

Von Sultanah Albakri, Mireilla Bikanga Ada, Alistair Morrison im Konferenz-Band WIPSCE '23 im Text The Roles of Confidence and Perceived Usefulness in Female Student Engagement in High School Computing Science (2023)

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Alireza Ahadi , Tiffany Barnes , Amy Bruckman , Hayley C. Leonard , Katharine Childs , Allan Fisher , Ge Gao , Shuchi Grover , Heikki Haapala , Wendy Hall , Maria Kallia , Raymond Lister , Jane Margolis , Samiha Marwan , Reena Pau , Thomas W. Price , Oliver Quinlan , Susan R. Fisk , Saman Rizvi , Sue Sentance , Arto Vihavainen , Jane Waite , Su White , Sarita Yardi

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