In business and government, major money is spent on prediction. Uselessly, according to Taleb, who administers a severe thrashing to MBA- and Nobel Prize-credentialed experts who make their living from economic forecasting. A financial trader and current rebel with a cause, Taleb is mathematically oriented and alludes to statistical concepts that underlie models of prediction, while his expressive energy is expended on roller-coaster passages, bordering on gleeful diatribes, on why experts are wrong. They neglect Taleb's metaphor of "the black swan," whose discovery invalidated the theory that all swans are white. Taleb rides this manifestation of the unpredicted event into a range of phenomena, such as why a book becomes a best-seller or how an entrepreneur becomes a billionaire, taking pit stops with philosophers who have addressed the meaning of the unexpected and confounding. Taleb projects a strong presence here that will tempt outside-the-box thinkers into giving him a look
Von Klappentext im Buch The Black Swan (2007) Dieses Buch erwähnt ...
Begriffe KB IB clear | bias ad hominembias ad hominem , Chaostheoriechoas theory , confirmation bias , Dopamin , Skeptizismus , Statistikstatistics , Theorietheory |
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A Rogue Economist Explores The Hidden Side Of Everything
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(Frank Schirrmacher) (2009)(Chris Anderson) (2006)
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