Envisioning the Handheld-Centric ClassroomErstpublikation in: Journal of Educational Computing Research, Vol. 30, No. 4, pp. 281–294
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Just around the corner, we can expect to see a growing number of Handheld-centric classrooms. Cathie Norris and Elliot Soloway tell us that these classrooms look more like a knowledge-worker's environment, than a traditional schoolroom. In the Handheld-centric classroom, every student has a handheld computer…and the classroom also offers networked PC's, scanners, cameras, probes, and other technology tools that enable children to work over extended periods of time on a variety of documents, including text, images, tables, graphs, presentations, and more.
Von Klappentext, erfasst im Biblionetz am 14.09.2004

The authors argue that handhelds support project-based learning because the handheld-centric classroom as envisioned provides support for: Artefact creation and easy revision; collaboration by sharing documents; learning in context, that is, using the handheld as an integral part of a learning activity; distributing the teachers' documents; ongoing assessment and teacher-student feedback.
Teachers must be provided with an evolutionary entry path to a new technology; they often recoil at the idea of revolutional changes of their curricula. Learning activities using handhelds can be gradually introduced so there is no need for immediate change in the teachers’ way of teaching. As an example, the authors report that 87% of teachers used a handheld-based simulation in the first year in which they were introduced to it whereas it took the authors four years to get 50% of teachers to use a web-based digital arts library.
One of the main challenges impeding widespread adoption of handhelds is pedagogy. In a handheld-centric classroom, students’ documents should play a central role which implies major changes in curriculum, instructional practices, and assessment. In their concluding remarks, the authors argue that technology will change education this time, even though they acknowledge that such claims have rarely manifested themselves in the past.
While handhelds provide support for the organizational changes necessary, it remains to be seen whether the pedagogical benefits convince enough teachers and schools to adopt this new technology
[from http://www.elearning-reviews.org/].
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2 Erwähnungen 
- PDA macht Schule - M-Learning in der Sekundarstufe (Petra Haller) (2005)
- Konzepte und Wirkungszusammenhänge bei Beschaffung und Betrieb von Informatikmitteln an Schulen (Beat Döbeli Honegger) (2005)
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