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Fundamentals of Physical Computing

Determining Key Concepts in Embedded Systems and Hardware/Software Co-Design
Zu finden in: WiPSCE '21, 2021
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Mareen Przybylla

Studies have shown that teachers find it difficult to prepare contents in the area of embedded systems and hardware/software co-design for school students. The goal of this paper is to support them by obtaining a clearly structured representation of the key concepts from this area in order to be able to derive concrete competence goals based on them later on. We apply a method for identifying the key concepts of a subject area within computer science, which has already been tested in the field of data management, to embedded systems and the related hardware/software co-design. Here, we present the procedure (literature selection, content analysis, concept clustering, and structuring) and the results of this process.

Von Mareen Przybylla, Andreas Grillenberger im Konferenz-Band WiPSCE '21 im Text Fundamentals of Physical Computing (2021)

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Rebecca W. Black , Torsten Brinda , Peter Denning , Paul Dourish , Michael Fothe , Steffen Friedrich , Mareen Grillenberger , Andreas Grillenberger , Werner Hartmann , Gillian R. Hayes , Jaihee Kate Lee , Samuel J. Kaufman , Bernhard Koerber , Gabriela Marcu , Craig Martell , Sylvia Libow Martinez , Peter Marwedel , Michael Näf , Hermann Puhlmann , Raimond Reichert , Dominik Reichert , Nicholas Reynolds , Debra J. Richardson , Gerhard Röhner , Ralf Romeike , Carsten Schulte , Gary Stager

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physical computing , Wearable ComputingWearable Computing
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