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A Model for Infusing Computational Thinking Skills at Teacher Colleges in a Developing Country

Jocelyn Simmonds, Francisco J. Gutierrez, Nancy Hitschfeld, Catalina Torrent, Cecilia Casanova, Sebastián Toro-Guajardo, Valentín Muñoz
Zu finden in: WiPSCE '22, 2022 local 
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WiPSCE '22

Current advances emphasize that young learners benefit from developing and applying computational thinking (CT) skills to solve problems in a variety of subjects, not limited to mathematics and science. Under this scenario, the inclusion of CT in primary and secondary education will not scale up if pre-service teachers do not actively acquire these skills during their formation. However, how this should be done is not clear. We propose an integration model to infuse CT skills at teacher colleges in Chile, which takes into account our previous work on the topic, as well as current standards, interests, and educational policies in Chile.

Von Jocelyn Simmonds, Francisco J. Gutierrez, Nancy Hitschfeld, Catalina Torrent, Cecilia Casanova, Sebastián Toro-Guajardo, Valentín Muñoz im Konferenz-Band WiPSCE '22 im Text A Model for Infusing Computational Thinking Skills at Teacher Colleges in a Developing Country (2022)

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Cecilia Casanova , Paul Curzon , Mark Dorling , Diana Franklin , Jon Good , Sarah Gretter , Francisco J. Gutierrez , Alexandria K. Hansen , Danielle B. Harlow , Nancy Hitschfeld , Anna Lamprou , Tamika McLean , Adam McNicol , Peter W. McOwan , Laura R. Meagher , Nicola Plant , Alexander Repenning , Sue Sentance , Jocelyn Simmonds , Cecilia Sotomayor , David Weintrop , Aman Yadav

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computational thinkingcomputational thinking , LehrerInteacher , Mathematikmathematics
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