Information and Communication Technology Dispositional Factors and Relationship to Information and Communication Technology PracticesZu finden in: Second Handbook of Information Technology in Primary and Secondary Education (Seite 309 bis 333), 2018
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Teacher dispositions reflect multiple internal factors that contribute to a teacher’s decisions/behaviors in any given situation. There have been many studies focused on which dispositional factors lead to teachers’ use of information and communications technology (ICT). Teachers’ integration of ICT has been assessed in a variety of different ways – as a teacher’s intention to use ICT, as the frequency of ICT use in the classroom, and/or as student-centered teaching practices with ICT. If a teacher’s dispositions (i.e., attitudes, perceptions, values) are reflected through his or her behaviors, then we need to ask an important question about ICT practices: What specific dispositions do teachers need to use ICT in their classrooms? This chapter reviewed empirical studies that examined four primary dispositions associated with teachers’ uses of ICT: self-efficacy, attitudes, pedagogical beliefs, and openness to change. This knowledge provides a robust starting point for answering more challenging and complex questions in the near future, such as: Why does a teacher hold certain dispositions, and how can we capitalize on that information to better support teachers in their actual use of ICT?.
Von Anne T. Ottenbreit-Leftwich, Theodore J. Kopcha, Peggy A. Ertmer im Buch Second Handbook of Information Technology in Primary and Secondary Education (2018) im Text Information and Communication Technology Dispositional Factors and Relationship to Information and Communication Technology Practices Dieses Kapitel erwähnt ...
Personen KB IB clear | Rhonda Christensen , Peggy A. Ertmer , Charles R. Graham , Kristen Kereluik , Gerald Knezek , Matthew J. Koehler , Shih-Hsiung Liu , Punya Mishra , Anne T. Ottenbreit-Leftwich , Dominik Petko , Michael Pfeifer , Olgun Sadik , Renate Schulz-Zander , Emine Sendurur , Polat Sendurur , Tae Seob Shin , Timothy Teo , Andreas Voss | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
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5 Erwähnungen
- ICT-Professionalisierung und ICT-Beliefs - Professionalisierung angehender Lehrpersonen in der digitalen Transformation und ihre berufsbezogenen Überzeugungen über digitale Informations- und Kommunikationstechnologien (ICT) (Robin Schmidt) (2020)
- Bildung, Schule, Digitalisierung (Kai Kaspar, Michael Becker-Mrotzek, Sandra Hofhues, Johannes König, Daniela Schmeinck) (2020)
- ICT-Beliefs und ICT-Professionalisierung - Befunde und Implikationen der #LPiDW-Studie zu Strukturen und Inhalten von berufsbezogenen Überzeugungen angehender Lehrpersonen über ICT (Robin Schmidt, Christian Reintjes) (2020)
- Digitalisierung in der Bildung - Bericht im Auftrag des Staatssekretariats für Bildung, Forschung und Innovation (SBFI) und der Schweizerischen Konferenz der kantonalen Erziehungsdirektoren (EDK) im Rahmen des Bildungsmonitorings ( Schweizerisches Medieninstitut für Bildung und Kultur) (2021)
- Dimensionen pädagogischer Räume - Erleben - Begegnen - Lernen (Ulrike Barth, Thomas Maschke) (2021)
- Beiträge zur Lehrerinnen- und Lehrerbildung 3/2021 (2021)
- Deprofessionalisierung durch Normalisierung der Ausnahme? - Neue Herausforderungen in der Lehrpersonenbildung durch Beliefs, ubiquitäre Thematisierung und «Digital Main streaming» (Robin Schmidt) (2021)
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