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Cutting Code

Software and Sociality
Adrian Mackenzie , local 
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Cutting CodeSoftware has often been marginalized in accounts of digital cultures and network societies. Although software is everywhere, it is hard to say what it actually is. Cutting Code: Software and Sociality is one of the first books to treat software seriously as a full-blown cultural process, and as a subtly powerful material in contemporary communication. From deCSS to Java, from Linux to Extreme Programming, this book analyses software artworks, operating systems, commercial products, infrastructures and programming practices. It explores social forms, identities, materialities and power relations associated with software, and it asks how software provokes the re-thinking of production, consumption and distribution as entwined cultural processes. Cutting Code argues that analysis of code as a mosaic of algorithms, protocols, infrastructures, and programming conventions offers valuable insights into how contemporary social formations invent new kinds of personhood and new ways of acting.
Von Klappentext im Buch Cutting Code (2006)

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Software ist Kultursoftware is culture

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Algorithmusalgorithm , Denkenthinking , Extreme ProgrammingExtreme Programming , Java , Linux , Programmierenprogramming , Softwaresoftware


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icon13 Erwähnungen  Dies ist eine nach Erscheinungsjahr geordnete Liste aller im Biblionetz vorhandenen Werke, die das ausgewählte Thema behandeln.

iconCo-zitierte Bücher


Teachers and Machines

The Classroom Use of Technology Since 1920

(Larry Cuban) (1986)


An Introduction to Computational Geometry

(Marvin Minsky, Seymour Papert) (1969) local 

Understanding Media

The Extensions of Man

(Marshall McLuhan) (1966) local 

Being and Time

(Martin Heidegger) (1962)

Changing Minds

Computers, Learning and Literacy

(Andrea diSessa) (2001) local 


How Mass Collaboration Changes Everything

(Don Tapscott, Anthony D. Williams) (2007)  local 

Beyond Technology

Children's Learning in the Age of Digital Culture

(David Buckingham) (2007)

Reassembling the Social

An Introduction to Actor-Network-Theory

(Bruno Latour) (2005) local 

The Pasteurization of France

(Bruno Latour) (1988)

A Sociology of Monsters

Essays on Power, Technology and Domination

(John Law) (1991)

Beautiful Code

(Greg Wilson, Andy Oram) (2007) local 

Program or Be Programmed

Ten Commands for a Digital Age

(Douglas Rushkoff) (2010) local 

Copy, Rip, Burn

The Politics of Copyleft and Open Source

(David M. Berry) local 

The Philosophy of Software

Code and Mediation in the Digital Age

(David M. Berry) (2011) local 

The Filter Bubble

What the Internet is Hiding from You

(Eli Pariser) (2011) local 

The Network Society

A Cross-Cultural Perspective

(Manuel Castells) (2004) local 

The Computer Boys Take Over

Computers, Programmers, and the Politics of Technical Expertise

(Nathan L. Ensmenger) local 

Distrusting Educational Technology

Critical Questions for Changing Times

(Neil Selwyn) (2013) local 


heroes of the computer revolution

(Steven Levy) (2010) local 

The Master Algorithm

How the Quest for the Ultimate Learning Machine Will Remake Our World

(Pedro Domingos) (2015) local 


Software and Everyday Life

(Rob Kitchin, Martin Dodge) (2011) local 

Software Studies

A Lexicon

(Matthew Fuller) (2008) local 

The Black Box Society

The Secret Algorithms That Control Money and Information

(Frank Pasquale) (2015) local 

iconVolltext dieses Dokuments

Cutting Code: Gesamtes Buch als Volltext (lokal: PDF, 17994 kByte)

iconBibliographisches Hier finden Sie Angaben um das gewählte Werk zu kaufen oder in einer Bibliothek auszuleihen.

Titel   Format Bez. Aufl. Jahr ISBN          
Cutting Code e - - 1 2006 0820478237 Swissbib Worldcat Bestellen bei Amazon.de Buy it now!

iconBeat und dieses Buch

Beat hat dieses Buch während seiner Zeit am Institut für Medien und Schule (IMS) ins Biblionetz aufgenommen. Beat besitzt kein physisches, aber ein digitales Exemplar. (das er aber aus Urheberrechtsgründen nicht einfach weitergeben darf). Aufgrund der wenigen Einträge im Biblionetz scheint er es nicht wirklich gelesen zu haben.

iconBiblionetz-History Dies ist eine graphische Darstellung, wann wie viele Verweise von und zu diesem Objekt ins Biblionetz eingetragen wurden und wie oft die Seite abgerufen wurde.