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Concepts before coding

non-programming interactives to advance learning of introductory programming concepts in middle school
Shuchi Grover, Nicholas Jackiw, Patrik Lundh
Erstpublikation in: Computer Science Education, 2019
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Shuchi GroverBackground and Context: Learners struggle with conceptual understanding of introductory programming concepts such as variables, expressions, and loops.
Objective: We examine whether and how designed activities for conceptual exploration support preliminary engagement with and learning of foundational and often hard-to-grasp programming concepts for students in grades 6–8.
Method: Drawing on principles from dynamic mathematics, we developed a suite of non-programming digital and unplugged activities embedded in a curriculum before students engage in Scratch block-based programming. We conducted empirical research in three middle school classrooms in diverse urban US schools and examined student performance through mixed qualitative and quantitative methods.
Findings: Learning gains were significant and not predicted by grade, gender or prior academic preparation. Free-choice projects of students showed statistically greater (correct) use of key concepts compared to those not in the study. Implications: Our work demonstrates the promise of novel approaches such as interactive non-programming activities for deeper understanding of programming concepts.
Von Shuchi Grover, Nicholas Jackiw, Patrik Lundh im Text Concepts before coding (2019)

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Edith Ackermann , Michal Armoni , Satabdi Basu , Mordechai Ben-Ari , Shuchi Grover , Michael J. Hannafin , Idit Harel , D. Midian Kurland , Colleen M. Lewis , Orni Meerbaum-Salant , Seymour Papert , Roy Pea , Anthony Robins , Janet Rountree , Nathan Rountree , Patricia K. Schank , Niral Shah , Feng Wang

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Abstraktion , Mathematikmathematics , Programmierenprogramming , Schuleschool , Scratch
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