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iPads in the Classroom

Wilma Clark, Rose Luckin
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In the three years since the iPad was first introduced, there has been a rapid uptake of iPads and other ‘Post-­-PC’ tablet devices in schools both in the UK and globally. Enormous investment is being made, but do we have the evidence to support this show of faith?
The adoption and integration of tablet devices into school systems is not without its controversies, and the purpose of this report is to explore if we know enough to demonstrate if, how and when iPads support learning. Our aim is to identify key ideas from the literature on the effective use of iPads and other ‘Post-­-PC’ tablet devices, to discuss the implications of tablet technologies for school leaders, network managers, teachers, learners and their parents, and to set this within the wider global context. The term ‘Post-­-PC’ tablet is used to encompass the plethora of new-­-look mobile tablet devices.
This report is based upon a review of the literature, including newspaper reports and blog posts as well as academic and corporate research papers. The report is divided into five sections:
  1. An Introduction;
  2. What the research says about Teaching and Learning with iPads;
  3. What the research says about Implications for Decisions Makers;
  4. What the research says about Implications for Different User Groups;
  5. A review of the Research Context.
Von Wilma Clark, Rose Luckin im Text iPads in the Classroom (2013)

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Kevin Burden , Paul Hopkins , Dr Trevor Male , Stewart Martin , Christine Trala

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Android , Computercomputer , Digitalisierung , Early AdopterEarly Adopter , Edmodo , Elternparents , E-Portfolioe-portfolio , Google , Handheld / PDAHandheld , iPad , Kreativitätcreativity , LehrerInteacher , Lernenlearning , Microsoft , Mobiltelefonmobile phone , Notebooklaptop , One-to-One-ComputingOne-to-One-Computing , Schuleschool , Sicherheitsecurity , Softwaresoftware , TabletTablet , Tablet PCTablet PC , Tablets in educationTablets in education
Jahr  Umschlag Titel Abrufe IBOBKBLB
2012 local web  iPad Scotland Evaluation (Kevin Burden, Paul Hopkins, Dr Trevor Male, Stewart Martin, Christine Trala) 8, 1, 2, 3, 2, 6, 3, 3, 12, 8, 2, 1 1481565

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