On Two Metaphors for learning and the Dangers of Choosing Just OneAnna Sfard
Erstpublikation in: Educational Researcher, 27 (4), 4–13
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This article is a sequel to the conversation an learning initiated by
the editors of Educational Researcher in volume 25, number 4.
The author's first aim is to elicit the metaphors for learning that
guide our work as learners, teachers, and researchers. Two such
metaphors are identified: the acquisition metaphor and the participation
metaphor. Subsequently, their entailments are discussed
and evaluated. Although some of the implications are deemed desirable
and others are regarded as harmful, the article neither
speaks against a particular metaphor nor tries to make a case for
the other. Rather, these interpretations and applications of the
metaphors undergo critical evaluation. In the end, the question of
theoretical unification of the research on learning is addressed,
wherein the purpose is to show how too great a devotion to one
particular metaphor can lead to theoretical distortions and to undesirable
Von Anna Sfard im Text On Two Metaphors for learning and the Dangers of Choosing Just One (1998)
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