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Shaping the Fourth Industrial Revolution

Klaus Schwab , local 


Shaping the Fourth Industrial RevolutionThe Fourth Industrial Revolution is changing everything – from the way we relate to each other, to the work we do, the way our economies work, and what it means to be human. We cannot let the brave new world that technology is currently creating simply emerge. All of us need to help shape the future we want to live in. But what do we need to know and do to achieve this?
World Economic Forum Founder and Executive Chairman Klaus Schwab's 2016 book, The Fourth Industrial Revolution, revealed the extent of change tearing through our world. We live at a momentous time in history, one where it is up to us, today, to make sure our technologically-enriched future is safe, ethical, inclusive and sustainable.
This book, Shaping the Fourth Industrial Revolution, builds on these ideas to demonstrate how people from all backgrounds and sectors can influence the way that technology transforms our world. It draws on contributions by more than 200 of the world's leading technology, economic and sociological experts to present a practical guide for citizens, business leaders, social influencers and policy-makers. Shaping the Fourth Industrial Revolution outlines the most important dynamics of the technology revolution, highlights important stakeholders that are often overlooked in our discussion of the latest scientific breakthroughs, and explores 12 different technology areas central to the future of humanity.
Emerging technologies are not predetermined forces out of our control, nor are they simple tools with known impacts and consequences. The exciting capabilities provided by artificial intelligence, distributed ledger systems and cryptocurrencies, advanced materials and biotechnologies are already transforming society. The actions we take today – and those we don't – will quickly become embedded in ever-more powerful technologies that surround us and will, very soon, become an integral part of us.
By connecting the dots across a range of often-misunderstood technologies, and by exploring the practical steps that individuals, businesses and governments can take, Shaping the Fourth Industrial Revolution helps equip readers to shape a truly desirable future at a time of great uncertainty and change.
Von Klappentext im Buch Shaping the Fourth Industrial Revolution (2018)

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KB IB clear
Sam Altman , Stanley Kubrick , Elon Musk

KB IB clear
algorithmic bias , AlphaGo , Apple Watch , blockchain , CO2-Fussabdruck , Datendata , design thinking , Digitalisierung , Ethereum , Ethikethics , Gesellschaftsociety , influencer , Internetinternet , Internet der DingeInternet of Things , Künstliche Intelligenz (KI / AI)artificial intelligence , ökologischer Fussabdruckecological footprint , Phishing , Pokémon Go , Roboterrobot , stuxnet , Synthetische Biologie , Technologietechnology , Trolley-Problem , work-life-balance
Jahr  Umschlag Titel Abrufe IBOBKBLB
1968 2001 (Stanley Kubrick) 1, 8, 2, 2, 2, 3, 9, 3, 7, 7, 3, 3 9643313

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Bildung, bitcoin, Intelligenz



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