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10 Texte von Jaime Spacco
Jahr | Volltext | Abrufe | Text | Texttyp |
2008 | 2, 1, 5, 3, 4, 2, 4, 1, 6, 6, 6, 2 | DCER - sharing empirical computer science education data (Kate Sanders, Brad Richards, Jan Erik Moström, Vicki L. Almstrum, Stephen H. Edwards, Sally Fincher, Katherine Gunion, Mark S. Hall, Brian Hanks, Stephen Lonergan, Robert McCartney, Briana B. Morrison, Jaime Spacco, Lynda Thomas) erschienen in ICER 2008 (Seite 137 - 148) | Konferenz-Paper | |
2012 | Do faculty recognize the difference between computer science and information technology? - a survey of liberal arts faculty (abstract only) (Hannah Fidoten, Jaime Spacco) erschienen in SIGCSE 2012 (Seite 665 - 666) | Abstract | ||
2013 | CloudCoder - building a community for creating, assigning, evaluating and sharing programming exercises (abstract only) (David Hovemeyer, Matthew Hertz, Paul Denny, Jaime Spacco, Andrei Papancea, John C. Stamper, Kelly Rivers) erschienen in SIGCSE 2013 (Seite 742 - 742) | Konferenz-Paper | ||
2013 | How we teach impacts student learning - peer instruction vs. lecture in CS0 (Beth Simon, Julian Parris, Jaime Spacco) erschienen in SIGCSE 2013 (Seite 41 - 46) | Konferenz-Paper | ||
2013 | 6, 5, 4, 9, 1, 2, 2, 4, 2, 7, 6, 1 | An open platform for managing short programming exercises (Andrei Papancea, Jaime Spacco, David Hovemeyer) erschienen in ICER 2013 (Seite 47 - 52) | Konferenz-Paper | |
2014 | Using and sharing programming exercises to improve introductory courses (abstract only) (David Hovemeyer, Jaime Spacco, Robert C. Duvall, Stephen H. Edwards, Amruth N. Kumar, Andrew Petersen, Daniel Zingaro) erschienen in SIGCSE 2014 (Seite 737 - 737) | Konferenz-Paper | ||
2015 | An exploration of error quotient in multiple contexts (Andrew Petersen, Jaime Spacco, Arto Vihavainen) erschienen in Koli Calling 2015 | Konferenz-Paper | ||
2016 | Control-Flow-Only Abstract Syntax Trees for Analyzing Students' Programming Progress (David Hovemeyer, Arto Hellas, Andrew Petersen, Jaime Spacco) erschienen in ICER 2016 (Seite 63 - 72) | Konferenz-Paper | ||
2017 | Progsnap - Sharing Programming Snapshots for Research (Abstract Only) (David Hovemeyer, Arto Hellas, Andrew Petersen, Jaime Spacco) erschienen in SIGCSE 2017 (Seite 709 - 709) | Abstract | ||
2018 | A Multi-Institution Exploration of Peer Instruction in Practice - (Abstract Only) (David P. Bunde, Cynthia Taylor, Jaime Spacco, Andrew Petersen, Soohyun Nam Liao, Leo Porter) erschienen in SIGCSE 2018 (Seite 1079 - 1079) | Abstract |
Bemerkungen von Jaime Spacco
Von Jaime Spacco gibt es im Biblionetz Bemerkungen zu:
Texte KB IB clear | A Multi-Institution Exploration of Peer Instruction in Practice, An exploration of error quotient in multiple contexts, An open platform for managing short programming exercises, CloudCoder, Control-Flow-Only Abstract Syntax Trees for Analyzing Students' Programming Progress, DCER, Do faculty recognize the difference between computer science and information technology?, How we teach impacts student learning, Progsnap, Using and sharing programming exercises to improve introductory courses (abstract only) |
Vicki L. Almstrum, David P. Bunde, Paul Denny, Robert C. Duvall, Stephen H. Edwards, Hannah Fidoten, Sally Fincher, Katherine Gunion, Mark S. Hall, Brian Hanks, Arto Hellas, Matthew Hertz, David Hovemeyer, Amruth N. Kumar, Stephen Lonergan, Robert McCartney, Briana B. Morrison, Jan Erik Moström, Soohyun Nam Liao, Andrei Papancea, Julian Parris, Andrew Petersen, Leo Porter, Brad Richards, Kelly Rivers, Kate Sanders, Beth Simon, John C. Stamper, Cynthia Taylor, Lynda Thomas, Arto Vihavainen, Daniel Zingaro,
Begriffswolke von Jaime Spacco
4 Erwähnungen
- ICER 2013 - International Computing Education Research Conference, ICER '13, La Jolla, CA, USA, August 12-14, 2013 (Beth Simon, Alison Clear, Quintin I. Cutts) (2013)
- Student experience in a student-centered peer instruction classroom (Beth Simon, Sarah Esper, Leo Porter, Quintin I. Cutts) (2013)
- Koli Calling 2015 - Proceedings of the 15th Koli Calling Conference on Computing Education Research, Koli, Finland, November 19-22, 2015 (Päivi Kinnunen, Judy Sheard) (2015)
- Measuring the effect of inventing practice exercises on learning in an introductory programming course (Paul Denny, Diana Cukierman, Jonathan Bhaskar) (2015)
- Koli Calling 2018 - Proceedings of the 18th Koli Calling International Conference on Computing Education Research, Koli, Finland, November 22-25, 2018 (Mike Joy, Petri Ihantola) (2018)
- PCEX - Interactive Program Construction Examples for Learning Programming (Roya Hosseini, Kamil Akhuseyinoglu, Andrew Petersen, Christian D. Schunn, Peter Brusilovsky) (2018)
- ICER 2020 - International Computing Education Research Conference, Virtual Event, New Zealand, August 10-12, 2020 (Anthony V. Robins, Adon Moskal, Amy J. Ko, Renée McCauley) (2020)
- Adaptive Immediate Feedback Can Improve Novice Programming Engagement and Intention to Persist in Computer Science (Samiha Marwan, Ge Gao, Susan R. Fisk, Thomas W. Price, Tiffany Barnes) (2020)
How we teach impacts student learning: Fulltext at the ACM Digital Library (: , 503 kByte; : 2020-11-28) | |
An exploration of error quotient in multiple contexts: Fulltext at the ACM Digital Library (: , 1136 kByte; : ) | |
DCER: Fulltext at the ACM Digital Library (: , 1103 kByte; : Link unterbrochen? Letzte Überprüfung: 2020-11-28 Letzte erfolgreiche Überprüfung: 2020-06-28) | |
An open platform for managing short programming exercises: Fulltext at the ACM Digital Library (: , 472 kByte; : Link unterbrochen? Letzte Überprüfung: 2020-11-28 Letzte erfolgreiche Überprüfung: 2020-08-28) | |
Control-Flow-Only Abstract Syntax Trees for Analyzing Students' Programming Progress: Fulltext at the ACM Digital Library (: , 982 kByte; : Link unterbrochen? Letzte Überprüfung: 2020-11-28 Letzte erfolgreiche Überprüfung: 2020-05-11) |