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Perceived quality of educational technology matters

A Secondary Analysis of Students' ICT Use, ICT-Related Attitudes, and PISA 2012 Test Scores
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Dominik PetkoAndrea CantieniDoreen PrasseIn large-scale international assessments such as the Programme for International Student Assessment (PISA), the Trends in International Mathematics and Science Study (TIMSS), or the Progress in International Reading Study (PISA), research has struggled to find positive associations between the frequency of educational technology use in schools and student achievement. While computer use at home showed a tendency for positive correlations with test scores, computer use in schools did not. Following a different approach, the study reanalyzes PISA 2012 data by combining frequency of use and positive perceptions with regard to educational technology as predictors for student test scores. When controlling for influential sociodemographic factors, results indicate that positive attitudes toward educational technology are associated with higher test scores in the large majority of countries. As positive attitudes are likely to be a result of positive experiences, it seems reasonable to conclude that it might be quality instead of quantity of educational technology use that matters.
Von Dominik Petko, Andrea Cantieni, Doreen Prasse im Text Perceived quality of educational technology matters (2016)

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Warum ICT in der Schule?Why ICT in schools?

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item response theory , PISA 2012 , PISA-StudienPISA studies , Schuleschool
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