Palm Handheld ComputersA Complete Resource for Classroom Teachers
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This book goes well beyond lists of resources. It's part user's manual - part survival guide. We'll walk you through the mechanics of using a Palm handheld. We'll help you solve some of the most common problems that might happen in your classroom with the technology, and we've provided instructions so you can use the free Software included with this book (on the CD-ROM). Additionally, we've supplied classroom-tested lesson plans that you can modify for use in your particular situation. We've also written extensively about pitfalls that you will encounter. The bottom line is: no one has worked with handhelds trying to empower student learning more than the authors. We've made at least a hundred mistakes of varying sizes, and there is no reason you should have to make them, too! This book will start you off on the right foot and head you in the right direction.
Von Michael Curtis, Cathleen Norris, David O Leary, Elliot Soloway, Bard Williams im Buch Palm Handheld Computers (2002) auf Seite 3With demand for handhelds running high and classroom expertise in short supply, this is your must-have new title from ISTE. The authors are early adopters with many years experience between them, working out how to use, manage, and integrate handhelds into standards-based K-12 curricula. They’ve distilled this field knowledge into a practical, accessible guide, complete with technology overview of Palms, lesson plans, assessment resources, and tips and templates for managing student use. Packaged with a CD and a suite of freeware programs developed at the University of Michigan's Center for Highly Interactive Computing in Education (Hi-CE).
Von Klappentext im Buch Palm Handheld Computers (2002) - Capitalizes on the knowledge of pioneering educators, researchers, and experts in using handhelds in education
- Provides advice on finding and evaluating educational software and accessories for handheld computing
- Offers freeware for word processing, virtual scrapbooking, concept-mapping, animation and drawing, simulations, creating customized classroom tools, and transferring Web pages to your handheld.
- This time we will get it right! (Cathleen Norris, Elliot Soloway )
- 1. The Learning Impact of Palm Handhelds
- 2. Teaching and Learning the Basics
- 3. Introducing Palm Handhelds to Your Students
- 4. Managing the Mobile Classroom
- 5. Finding Software and Accessories for Education
- 6. Best Bets for Educational Software for Your Palm Handheld
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Dieses Buch erwähnt vermutlich nicht ...
Nicht erwähnte Begriffe | Bildung, Cmap Tools, Digitalisierung, Kinder, LehrerIn, Lernen, Mappingverfahren, Mind Map, PAAM, Pocket PC, Schweiz, Unterricht |
Zitationsgraph (Beta-Test mit vis.js)
7 Erwähnungen
- Getting a Handle on Handhelds (Jennifer Roland) (2003)
- We’re Getting Wired, We’re Going Mobile, What’s Next? - Fresh Ideas for Educational Technology Planning (Bard Williams) (2004)
- PDA macht Schule - M-Learning in der Sekundarstufe (Petra Haller) (2005)
- Persönliche Handhelds in der Primarschule - Ein Pilotprojekt in Wangen bei Olten (Schweiz) (Daniela Püntener, Katja Glanzmann) (2006)
- Informatische Bildung in der Wissensgesellschaft - Praxisband der 12. Fachtagung "Informatik und Schule - INFOS 2007" der Gesellschaft für Informatik e. V. (Peer Stechert) (2007)
- Konzeption und Erprobung des 'lernstick' im schulischen und ausserschulischen Umfeld (Stanley Schwab) (2009)
Co-zitierte Bücher
Konstruktivistischer Unterricht mit Laptops?
Eine Fallstudie zum Einfluss mobiler Computer auf die Methodik des Unterrichts
(Heike Schaumburg) (2002)Palm Education Pioneers Program
Final Evaluation Report
( Valerie Crawford, SRI International, Phil Vahey) (2002)Palm OS (R) Handhelds in the Elementary Classroom
Curriculum and Strategies
(Michael Curtis, Janine Kopera, Cathleen Norris, Elliot Soloway) (2004)Kleine Computer für kleine Hände (Buch mit DVD)
(Ilse Bailicz, Wolfgang Seper, Leopold Sperker, Johann Eder, Anton Reiter) (2006)Standorte
Beat und dieses Buch
Beat war Co-Leiter des ICT-Kompetenzzentrums TOP während er dieses Buch ins Biblionetz aufgenommen hat. Die bisher letzte Bearbeitung erfolgte während seiner Zeit am Institut für Medien und Schule. Beat besitzt ein physisches, aber kein digitales Exemplar. Es gibt bisher nur wenige Objekte im Biblionetz, die dieses Werk zitieren.