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The Math(s) Fix

An Education Blueprint for the AI Age
Conrad Wolram , local 
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The Math(s) FixRight at the centre of today’s school curriculum is maths. Like it or loathe it, you can’t avoid it. As we enter the Artificial Intelligence or AI age, pressure for school maths success has never been greater, because it seems so infused in the progress of recent decades, and promises of those to come.
And yet, I think school maths is nearing a cliff-edge. Implausible though it may seem, I believe today’s mainstream subject, without reformation, will become a backwater for a few aficionados, and drop out of the mainstream— a bit like the demise of Latin in UK or European schools. (Latin or, more generally, classics was often considered the intellectual bedrock of learning until the 1970s.)
This book is about what the problem is, how it came about and how it can be solved. It takes a cold, hard look at what maths education is and lays out what it should be, not only to keep up with AI, but to empower humankind for this upcoming era. I am a supporter for what maths education can be, but not for much of what it is today.
Von Conrad Wolram im Buch The Math(s) Fix (2020)
The Math(s) FixWhy are we all taught maths for years of our lives? Does it really empower everyone? Or fail most and disenfranchise many? Is it crucial for the AI age or an obsolete rite of passage?
The Math(s) Fix: An Education Blueprint for the AI Age is a groundbreaking book that exposes why maths education is in crisis worldwide and how the only fix is a fundamentally new mainstream subject. It argues that today's maths education is not working to elevate society with modern computation, data science and AI. Instead, students are subjugated to compete with what computers do best, and lose.
This is the only book to explain why being bad at maths may be as much the subject's fault as the learner's: how a stuck educational ecosystem has students, parents, teachers, schools, employers and policymakers running in the wrong direction to catch up with real-world requirements. But it goes further too, for the first time setting out a completely alternative vision for a core computational school subject to fix the problem and seed more general reformation of education for the AI age.
Von Klappentext im Buch The Math(s) Fix (2020)

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Sebastian Thrun

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Bildungeducation (Bildung) , Computercomputer , Curriculum / Lehrplancurriculum , Gesellschaftsociety , Künstliche Intelligenz (KI / AI)artificial intelligence , LehrerInteacher , Mathematikmathematics , Schuleschool

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