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Brave New Words

How AI Will Revolutionize Education (and Why That's a Good Thing)
Sal Khan , local 


Brave New WordsWhether we like it or not, the AI revolution is coming to education. In Brave New Words, Salman Khan, the visionary behind Khan Academy, explores how artificial intelligence and GPT technology will transform learning, and offers a road map for teachers, parents, and students to navigate this exciting (and sometimes intimidating) new world.
A pioneer in the field of education technology, Khan examines the ins and outs of these cutting-edge tools and how they will revolutionize the way we learn and teach. For parents concerned about their children’s success, Khan illustrates how AI can personalize learning by adapting to each student’s individual pace and style, identifying strengths and areas for improvement, and offering tailored support and feedback to complement traditional classroom instruction. Khan emphasizes that embracing AI in education is not about replacing human interaction but enhancing it with customized and accessible learning tools that encourage creative problem-solving skills and prepare students for an increasingly digital world.
But Brave New Words is not just about technology—it’s about what this technology means for our society, and the practical implications for administrators, guidance counselors, and hiring managers who can harness the power of AI in education and the workplace. Khan also delves into the ethical and social implications of AI and large language models, offering thoughtful insights into how we can use these tools to build a more accessible education system for students around the world.
Von Klappentext im Buch Brave New Words (2024)

iconKapitel  Unter den anklickbaren Kapiteln finden Sie Informationen über einzelne Teile des gewählten Werks.

  • 1. Rise of the AI Tutor (Salman Khan)
  • 2. Giving Voice to the Social Sciences (Salman Khan)
  • 3. Empowering the Next Innovators (Salman Khan)
  • 4. Better Together (Salman Khan)
  • 5. Keeping Kids Safe (Salman Khan)
  • 6. The Teaching in the Age of AI (Salman Khan)
  • 7. The Global Classroom (Salman Khan)
  • 8. AI, Assessments, And Admissions (Salman Khan)
  • 9. Work and that comes Next (Salman Khan)

iconDieses Buch erwähnt ...

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Noam Chomsky , Arran Hamilton , John Hattie , Ian Roberts , Jeffrey Watumull , Dylan Wiliam

KB IB clear
AI literacy , Bildungeducation (Bildung) , Chat-GPT , Digitalisierung , Elternparents , Generative Machine-Learning-Systeme (GMLS)computer-generated text , Generative Pretrained Transformer 4 (GPT-4) , Gesellschaftsociety , GMLS & Bildung , GMLS & Schule , Hausaufgabenhomework , Khan Academy , Kinderchildren , Künstliche Intelligenz (KI / AI)artificial intelligence , LehrerInteacher , Prüfung , Schuleschool , Textgeneratoren-Verbot
Jahr  Umschlag Titel Abrufe IBOBKBLB
2023 local web  The False Promise of ChatGPT (Noam Chomsky, Ian Roberts, Jeffrey Watumull) 6 7 14 6 6
2023 local web  The Future of AI in Education (Arran Hamilton, Dylan Wiliam, John Hattie) 7 6 47 7 7

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