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collaboration script collaboration script

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Pierre DillenbourgA script is a story or scenario that the students and tutors have to play as actors play a movie script.
Von Pierre Dillenbourg im Buch Three worlds of CSCL (2002) im Text Over-scripting CSCL
Pierre DillenbourgA collaboration script (O'Donnell & Dansereau, 1992) is a set of instructions regarding to how the group members should interact, how they should collaborate and how they should solve the problem.
Von Pierre Dillenbourg im Buch Three worlds of CSCL (2002) im Text Over-scripting CSCL
Pierre DillenbourgTaiga BrahmA collaborative script is a pedagogical scenario that students have to follow when they learn together. Instead of free collaboration, a script structures the collaboration process e.g. by prescribing different activities or by instructing how to form the group. Some of these activities are computer-based, some are not.
Von Pierre Dillenbourg, Fabrice Hong, Taiga Brahm im Buch The ManyScripts Pedagogical Handbook (2009)
Beat Döbeli Honegger
Von Beat Döbeli Honegger, erfasst im Biblionetz am 25.06.2006


Pierre DillenbourgPatrick JermannScripts illustrate the convergence between instructional engineering and socio-constructivism.
Von Pierre Dillenbourg, Patrick Jermann im Buch Scripting Computer-Supported Collaborative Learning im Text Designing Integrative Scripts (2007)
Pierre DillenbourgPatrick JermannAre scripts just a trendy word to refer to lesson plans? No! CSCL scripts are instructional sequences in which peer interactions are targeted to be the core learning mechanism.
Von Pierre Dillenbourg, Patrick Jermann im Buch Scripting Computer-Supported Collaborative Learning im Text Designing Integrative Scripts (2007)
Nikol RummelHans SpadaThe main idea of collaboration scripts is to prompt cognitive and social processes by participants that might otherwise not occur, thus enforcing a fruitfully structured interaction, and consequently improving the joint problem-solving and knowledge acquisition.
Von Nikol Rummel, Hans Spada, Sabine Hauser im Text Learning to collaborate in a computer-mediated setting (2006)

iconVerwandte Objeke

Verwandte Begriffe
(co-word occurance)
ArgueGraph(0.12), ConceptGridScript(0.08), jigsaw classjigsaw class(0.08), reciprocal classreciprocal class(0.07), conflict classconflict class(0.07), micro-scriptmicro-script(0.04), macro-scriptmacro-script(0.04), CSCLComputer-Supported Collaborative Learning(0.04), UniversantéScript(0.03)
Verwandte Aussagen
collaboration scripts können die Motivation der Lernenden verringern
collaboration scripts fördern Interaktion zwischen Lernenden

iconRelevante Personen

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Pierre Dillenbourg Pierre
A. M. O'Donnell A. M.
Donald F. Dansereau Donald F.
Patrick Jermann Patrick
R. Abelson R.
R. C. Shank R. C.
Martin Mühlpfordt Martin
Werner Müller Werner
Hans Spada Hans
Rogers Hall Rogers
P. Traum P.
Naomi Miyake Naomi
Armin Weinberger Armin
Daniel L. Schwartz Daniel L.
Martin Muehlenbrock Martin
A. C. Kelson A. C.
A. Soller A.
Nikol Rummel Nikol
H. Barrows H.
Kay Hoeksema Kay
Jennifer Turns Jennifer
Frank Fischer Frank
Pierre Tchounikine Pierre
Hans-Rüdiger Pfister Hans-Rüdiger
Alison King Alison

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Lehren und Lernen mit digitalen Medien an der PHSZ3.3 Kollaboratives Lernen23.11.2018


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