Over-scripting CSCLThe risks of blending collaborative learning with instructional design
Zu finden in: Three worlds of CSCL (Seite 61 bis 91), 2002
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In a pioneering attempt to analyze the different kinds of computer-supported scenarios that
were regarded as collaboration scripts, Dillenbourg (2002) identified a number of aspects that
served as a preliminary framework for script comparison and design. Dillenbourg (2002)
described scripts as a sequence of phases, each characterized by five attributes: type of task to
be accomplished, group formation and composition, distribution of task within and among
groups, type and mode of interaction/communication (e.g., co-located vs. remote,
synchronous vs. asynchronous, text-based vs. voice-based, etc.), and timing/duration of the
phase. From phase to phase, each of these attributes can change. The allocation and reallocation
of roles and activities, as well as physical or virtual resources are considered to be
part of the task distribution.
Von Lars Kobbe im Text Framework on multiple goal dimensions for computer-supported scripts (2005) Free collaboration does not systematically produce learning. One way to enhance the effectiveness of collaborative learning is to structure interactions by engaging students in well-defined scripts. A collaboration script is a set of instructions prescribing how students should form groups, how they should interact and collaborate and how they should solve the problem. In computer-supported collaborative learning (CSCL), the script is reified in the interface of the learning environment. This contribution dismantles the concept of script. Syntactically, a script is sequence of phases and each phase can be described by five attributes. The grammatical combination of these elements may however produce any kind of pedagogical method, even those that have nothing to do with the idea of collaborative learning. On the one hand, the definition of scripts constitutes a promising convergence between educational engineering and socio-cultural approaches but, on the other hand, it drifts away from the genuine notion of collaborative learning. Will the fun and the richness of group interactions survive to this quest for effectiveness? The answer depends on the semantics of collaborative scripts: what is the design rationale, what is the core mechanism in the script through which the script designer expects to foster productive interactions and learning?
Von Pierre Dillenbourg im Buch Three worlds of CSCL (2002) im Text Over-scripting CSCL auf Seite 61Von Beat Döbeli Honegger, erfasst im Biblionetz am 25.06.2006
Pierre Dillenbourg introduces the script concept as a way to enhance computer-supported collaborative learning by structuring productive interactions. In particular, the author investigates the compatibility of the socio-cultural approach of collaborative learning and the approach of educational engineering. He presents a syntax for collaborative scripts and emphasises the semantics of these scripts for the transparency of the educational meaning and added value of collaborative learning. A collaboration script is a set of instructions specifying how the group members should interact, how they should collaborate, and how they should solve the problem. It is a detailed and explicit contract between the teacher and a group of students regarding their mode of collaboration.
First, the author illustrates examples of CSCL scripts like the grid script, the ArgueGraph script, the UniverSante script, and others he used in his own courses or in research projects. Second, he describes scripts as a linear sequence of phases which specify how students should collaborate and solve the problem. He introduces five attributes of a script: the task definition, the group definition, the intra- or/and intergroup distribution of input, activity, the mode of interaction, and the timing of collaborative scripts. Third, he completes the grammar of scripts by introducing the semantics and the pedagogical meaning of the scripts. The design rational reflects a hypothesis which relates the social interactions supported by the script with respect to the learning objectives. Moreover, several levels of “coercion" and the most achievable appropriation (simplicity of the script guarantees students and tutors to adopt and internalise the script) have to be emphasised as well the issue of generalisibility concerning target knowledge and adaptation to the target audience discussed. Finally, the author summarises the specification of the script features as a pre-condition to establish effective scripts but also discusses the risk of over scripting collaboration.
This book chapter can be regarded as an introduction to CSCL scripts which are a promising method for designing and developing computer-supported collaborative scenarios as well as for enhancing the dialogue between educational theory and educational engineering. For this dialogue, more research is necessary to investigate the semantic representation of scripts to avoid fake collaboration, the multidimensional approach including student-student interactions as well as student-teacher interactions, and the balance between abstraction level and domain specifity to support generalisability.
[from http://www.elearning-reviews.org]
Von Jasmina Hasanbegovic, erfasst im Biblionetz am 08.05.2005First, the author illustrates examples of CSCL scripts like the grid script, the ArgueGraph script, the UniverSante script, and others he used in his own courses or in research projects. Second, he describes scripts as a linear sequence of phases which specify how students should collaborate and solve the problem. He introduces five attributes of a script: the task definition, the group definition, the intra- or/and intergroup distribution of input, activity, the mode of interaction, and the timing of collaborative scripts. Third, he completes the grammar of scripts by introducing the semantics and the pedagogical meaning of the scripts. The design rational reflects a hypothesis which relates the social interactions supported by the script with respect to the learning objectives. Moreover, several levels of “coercion" and the most achievable appropriation (simplicity of the script guarantees students and tutors to adopt and internalise the script) have to be emphasised as well the issue of generalisibility concerning target knowledge and adaptation to the target audience discussed. Finally, the author summarises the specification of the script features as a pre-condition to establish effective scripts but also discusses the risk of over scripting collaboration.
This book chapter can be regarded as an introduction to CSCL scripts which are a promising method for designing and developing computer-supported collaborative scenarios as well as for enhancing the dialogue between educational theory and educational engineering. For this dialogue, more research is necessary to investigate the semantic representation of scripts to avoid fake collaboration, the multidimensional approach including student-student interactions as well as student-teacher interactions, and the balance between abstraction level and domain specifity to support generalisability.
[from http://www.elearning-reviews.org]
Dillenbourg (2002) expressed concern that there may be a danger to "overscript" collaborative interaction. Scripting collaboration might prevent the independent, exploratory thinking required for generative learning or problem-solving. This, Dillenbourg argues, is especially true for highly coercive scripts which dictate interaction in a very detailed and inflexible way. A high degree of coercion might also decrease student motivation.
Von Nikol Rummel, Hans Spada im Buch Scripting Computer-Supported Collaborative Learning (2007) im Text Can People Learn Computer-Mediated Collaboration By Following a Script? auf Seite 50Dieser Text erwähnt ...
Personen KB IB clear | M. J. Baker , H. Barrows , Donald F. Dansereau , Pierre Dillenbourg , Maia Engeli , Frank Fischer , Tia Hansen , Patrick Jermann , Richard Joiner , Heinz Mandl , A. M. O'Donnell , Daniel Schneider , Daniel L. Schwartz , Gerry Stahl , R. Tamblyn , David Traum , Armin Weinberger | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Aussagen KB IB clear | collaboration scripts können die Motivation der Lernenden verringern | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Begriffe KB IB clear | ArgueGraph , Asynchrone Kommunikation , collaboration scriptcollaboration script , ConceptGridScript , CSCLComputer-Supported Collaborative Learning , Face to Face Kommunikation (F2F) , free-rider effectfree-rider effect , Interaktioninteraction , jigsaw classjigsaw class , Jigsaw methodJigsaw method , Lernenlearning , microworldmicroworld , PHASE(x) , problem-based learningproblem-based learning , Simulation , synchron/asynchron , Synchrone Kommunikation , Taxonomietaxonomy , UniversantéScript | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
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Dieser Text erwähnt vermutlich nicht ...
Nicht erwähnte Begriffe | Asynchrone computervermittelte Kommunikation, conflict class, reciprocal class, Synchrone computervermittelte Kommunikation |
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Beat hat Dieser Text während seiner Assistenzzeit an der ETH Zürich ins Biblionetz aufgenommen. Die bisher letzte Bearbeitung erfolgte während seiner Zeit am Institut für Medien und Schule. Beat besitzt kein physisches, aber ein digitales Exemplar. Eine digitale Version ist auf dem Internet verfügbar (s.o.). Beat hat Dieser Text auch schon in Blogpostings erwähnt.