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Multitasking Multitasking

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Multitasking, multi-tasking


For example, today's kids are always "multiprocessing"-they do several things simultaneously-listen to music, talk on the cell phone, and use the computer, all at the same time. Recently I was with a young twenty-something who had actually wired a Web browser into his eyeglasses. As he talked with me, he had his left hand in his pocket to cord in keystrokes to bring up my Web page and read about me, all the while carrying on with his part of the conversation! I was astonished that he could do all this in parallel and so unobtrusively.
Von J. S. Brown im Text Growing up Digital (2000)
PaybackAlles spricht dafür, dass Multitasking Körperverletzung ist. Die Ideologie des Multitasking, eine Art digitaler Taylorismus mit sadistischer Antriebsstruktur, hat deshalb so weitreichende Wirkungen in die wirkliche Welt, weil sie voraussetzt, dass Menschen jederzeit mehrere Dinge gleichzeitig machen können. Sie ist damit das ideale Gefäß für eine Gesellschaft, in der die Gleichzeitigkeit von Informationen zur Norm und zum Arbeitsplatzprofil wird. Mehrere Dinge gleichzeitig zu tun heißt nichts anderes, als ständig abgelenkt zu werden und die Ablenkung wieder unter Kontrolle bringen zu müssen.
Von Frank Schirrmacher im Buch Payback (2009)
With the diffusion of larger computing screens supporting multiple windows and browsers, chat, and SMS, and portable media coupled with social and work expectations of immediate responsiveness, media multitasking is quickly becoming ubiquitous. These changes are placing new demands on cognitive processing, and especially on attention allocation. If the growth of multitasking across individuals leads to or encourages the emergence of a qualitatively different, breadth-biased profile of cognitive control, then the norm of multiple input streams will have significant consequences for learning, persuasion, and other media effects. If, however, these differences in cognitive control abilities and strategies stem from stable individual differences, many individuals will be increasingly unable to cope with the changing media environment. The determination of cause and effect and the implications of these differing strategies for other types of information processing are critical issues for understanding cognition in the 21st century.
Von Eyal Ophir, C. Nass, Anthony D. Wagner im Text Cognitive control in media multitaskers (2009)

iconVerwandte Objeke

Verwandte Begriffe
(co-word occurance)
Verwandte Aussagen
Multitasking führt zu Oberflächlichkeit
Multitasking macht ineffizient

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iconHäufig co-zitierte Personen

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