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Beats Biblionetz - Bücher

Resisting AI

An Anti-fascist Approach to Artificial Intelligence
Dan McQuillan , local 


Resisting AIArtificial Intelligence (AI) is everywhere, yet it causes damage to society in ways that can’t be fixed. Instead of helping to address our current crises, AI causes divisions that limit people’s life chances, and even suggests fascistic solutions to social problems. This book provides an analysis of AI’s deep learning technology and its political effects and traces the ways that it resonates with contemporary political and social currents, from global austerity to the rise of the far right. Dan McQuillan calls for us to resist AI as we know it and restructure it by prioritising the common good over algorithmic optimisation. He sets out an anti-fascist approach to AI that replaces exclusions with caring, proposes people’s councils as a way to restructure AI through mutual aid and outlines new mechanisms that would adapt to changing times by supporting collective freedom. Academically rigorous, yet accessible to a socially engaged readership, this unique book will be of interest to all who wish to challenge the social logic of AI by reasserting the importance of the common good.
Von Klappentext im Buch Resisting AI (2022)

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Hannah Arendt , Charles Babbage , Walter Benjamin , Jeff Bezos , Charles Darwin , Timnit Gebru , Donna Haraway , Demis Hassabis , Martin Heidegger , Ivan Illich , Franz Kafka , Elon Musk , Eric Schmidt , Peter Thiel , Donald Trump , Max Weber , Alfred North Whitehead

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AGI , Airbnb , Alexa , AlexNet , Algorithmusalgorithm , AlphaFold , AlphaGo , amazon , Artificial Intelligence Act , Clearview AI , cloud computingcloud computing , crowdsourcingcrowdsourcing , datafication , Datenbankdatabase , deep learning , elektrische Energie , Ethikethics , EuropaEurope , Familiefamily , Freiheitfreedom , GenderGender , Gesellschaftsociety , Google , ItalienItaly , Künstliche Intelligenz (KI / AI)artificial intelligence , Lernenlearning , machine learning , Microsoft , ÖsterreichAustria , Palantir , Paradigmaparadigm , Perceptron , Politikpolitics , Predictive PolicingPredictive Policing , Smart HomeSmart Home , social media / Soziale Mediensocial networking software , SolutionismSolutionism , Spracherkennungvoice recognition , Statistikstatistics , Theorietheory , United KingdomUnited Kingdom , Zukunftfuture

iconDieses Buch erwähnt vermutlich nicht ... Eine statistisch erstelle Liste von nicht erwähnten (oder zumindest nicht erfassten) Begriffen, die aufgrund der erwähnten Begriffe eine hohe Wahrscheinlichkeit aufweisen, erwähnt zu werden.


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