Assessment in Game-Based Learning
Foundations, Innovations, and Perspectives

- 2. Are All Games the Same? (Seite 11 - 28) (P. G. Schrader, Michael McCreery)
- 3. The Role of Construct Definition in the Creation of Formative Assessments in Game-Based Learning (Seite 29 - 42) (Brian R. Belland)
- 4. Games, Learning, and Assessment (Seite 43 - 58) (Valerie J. Shute, Fengfeng Ke)
- 5. Three Things Game Designers Need to Know About Assessment (Seite 59 - 81) (Robert J. Mislevy, John T. Behrens, Kristen E. Dicerbo, Dennis C. Frezzo, Patti West)
- 6. Patterns of Game Playing Behavior as Indicators of Mastery (Seite 85 - 103) (Klaus P. Jantke)
- 7. Taking Activity-Goal Alignment into Open-Ended Environments - Assessment and Automation in Game-Based Learning (Seite 105 - 121) (Brett E. Shelton, Mary Ann Parlin)
- 8. Information Trails - In-Process Assessment of Game-Based Learning (Seite 123 - 144) (Christian S. Loh)
- 9. Timed Report Measures Learning - Game-Based Embedded Assessment (Seite 145 - 172) (Debbie Denise Reese, Ralph J. Seward, Barbara G. Tabachnick, Ben A. Hitt)
- 10. Driving Assessment of Students´ Explanations in Game Dialog Using Computer-Adaptive Testing and Hidden Markov Modeling (Seite 173 - 199) (Douglas B. Clark, Mario M. Martinez-Garza, Gautam Biswas, Richard M. Luecht)
- 11. Assessing Learning Games for School Content - The TPACK-PCaRD Framework and Methodology (Seite 201 - 215) (Aroutis Foster)
- 12. Implementing Game-Based Learning - The MAPLET Framework as a Guide to Learner-Centred Design and Assessment (Seite 217 - 233) (Maree Gosper, Margot McNeill)
- 13. Innovative Assessment Technologies in Educational Games Designed for Young Students (Seite 235 - 254) (Benő Csapó, András Lörincz, Gyöngyvér Molnár)
- 14. Interactivity^3 Design and Assessment Framework for Educational Games to Promote Motivation and Complex Problem-Solving Skills (Seite 257 - 285) (Deniz Eseryel, Yu Guo, Victor Law)
- 15. Measurement Principles for Gaming (Seite 287 - 305) (Kathleen Scalise, Mark Wilson)
- 16. Using Institutional Data to Evaluate Game-Based Instructional Designs - Challenges and Recommendations (Seite 307 - 334) (Scott J. Warren, Chris Bigenho)
- 17. Examining Students´ Cultural Identity and Player Styles Through Avatar Drawings in a Game-Based Classroom (Seite 335 - 353) (Jen Katz-Buonincontro, Aroutis Foster)
- 18. Measurement and Analysis of Learner´s Motivation in Game-Based E-Learning (Seite 355 - 378) (Ioana Ghergulescu, Cristina Hava Muntean)
- 19. Assessment of Student´s Emotions in Game-Based Learning (Seite 379 - 399) (Elena Novak, Tristan E. Johnson)
- 20. Designing for Participation in Educational Video Games (Seite 401 - 430) (Daniel T. Hickey, Ellen Jameson)
- 21. Computer Games as Preparation for Future Learning (Seite 431 - 451) (Rick Chan Frey)
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Dieses Buch erwähnt vermutlich nicht ... 
![]() Nicht erwähnte Begriffe | Bildung, Digitalisierung, Eltern, Internet, Kinder, Lehrplan 21, Motivation, extrinsische, Motivation, intrinsische, Primarschule (1-6) / Grundschule (1-4), Schweiz, Unterricht |
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3 Erwähnungen 
- DeLFI 2016 - Die 14. E-Learning Fachtagung Informatik (Ulrike Lucke, Andreas Schwill, Raphael Zender) (2016)
- Design eines Spiels zum Lernen von Informationskompetenz (Linda Eckardt, Susanne Robra-Bissantz)
- Design eines Spiels zum Lernen von Informationskompetenz (Linda Eckardt, Susanne Robra-Bissantz)
- Second Handbook of Information Technology in Primary and Secondary Education (Joke Voogt, Gerald Knezek, Rhonda Christensen, Kwok-Wing Lai) (2018)
- 40. Assessing Problem-Solving Skills in Game-Based Immersive Environments (Valerie J. Shute, Benjamin Emihovich)
- 41. Making Use of Data for Assessments: Harnessing Analytics and Data Science (Dirk Ifenthaler, Samuel Greiff, David Gibson)
- 40. Assessing Problem-Solving Skills in Game-Based Immersive Environments (Valerie J. Shute, Benjamin Emihovich)
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